The main objectives of the Conference of European Statisticians Recommendations for the 2020 Censuses of Population and Housing are: to provide guidance and assistance to countries in the planning and execution of their population and housing censuses; and to facilitate and improve the comparability of census at the UN regional level through the identification of a core set of census topics and the harmonization of concepts, definitions and classifications.
The Conference of European Statisticians endorsed the Conference of European Statisticians Recommendations for the 2020 Censuses of Population and Housing at its June 2015 plenary session (Report of the sixty-third plenary session of the Conference of European Statisticians, ECE/CES/89).
CES Recommendations for the 2020 Censuses of Population and Housing (1.85 MB)
Рекомендаций КЕС по проведению переписей населения жилищного фонда 2020 года (3 MB)
Recommandations de la Conférence des statisticiens européens pour les recensements de la population et des habitations de 2020 (1.94 MB)