Photos from the meeting
Meeting of the Group of Experts on Consumer Price Indices
Meeting of the Group of Experts on Consumer Price Indices
07 - 09 June 2023
Geneva Switzerland
Agenda and report
Session 1: Scanner data
43444 _ Presentation - Exploring methodologies to integrate new scanner data in the French CPI: Making use of multilateral methods _ 379376 _ English _ 773 _ 383464 _ pdf
43444 _ Paper - Exploring methodologies to integrate new scanner data in the French CPI: making use of multilateral methods _ 378795 _ English _ 773 _ 381936 _ pdf
43444 _ Presentation - Introduction of Scanner Data into Austrian CPI and HICP: Practical implementation experience _ 379345 _ English _ 773 _ 383376 _ pdf
43444 _ Paper - Introduction of Scanner Data into Austrian CPI and HICP – practical implementation experience, with a focus on window length options _ 379346 _ English _ 773 _ 383378 _ pdf
43444 _ presentation - Using multilateral hedonic methods to capture product relaunches, Belgium _ 378905 _ English _ 773 _ 382279 _ pdf
43444 _ Paper - Using multilateral hedonic methods to capture product relaunches, Belgium _ 378906 _ English _ 773 _ 382280 _ pdf
43444 _ Presentation - Transaction Data for the Price Index of Package Holidays in Germany _ 379543 _ English _ 773 _ 383754 _ pdf
43444 _ Presentation - Defining Products with Transaction Data: Aggregation Methods and Assessment of Their Impact, Italy _ 379515 _ English _ 773 _ 383724 _ pdf
43444 _ Presentation - UN Task Team on Scanner Data 2023 update _ 379467 _ English _ 773 _ 383619 _ pdf
43444 _ Presentation - Methodological choices when using multilateral methods: window length, seasonality and aggregation structure, Eurostat _ 379388 _ English _ 773 _ 383491 _ pdf
43444 _ Paper - Methodological choices when using multilateral methods: window length, seasonality and aggregation structure, Eurostat _ 378868 _ English _ 773 _ 382181 _ pdf
43444 _ Presentation - Hedonic price estimates for new vehicles: When do rotations lead to drift? United States _ 378823 _ English _ 773 _ 382009 _ pdf
43444 _ Paper - Hedonic price estimates for new vehicles: When do rotations lead to drift? United States _ 378825 _ English _ 773 _ 382012 _ pdf
43444 _ Room document: - Opportunities for integration of scanner data into the Belarusian CPI. K. Hrykhanava and A. Yarkovets, Belarus _ 379973 _ English _ 773 _ 384807 _ pdf
Poster Session I
43445 _ Poster - Expenditure weights, another reason why Inflation between countries is not expected to behave in the same manner, Lesotho _ 378830 _ English _ 773 _ 382029 _ pdf
43445 _ Poster - Adoption of the COICOP 2018 in the construction of the updated CPI basket and rebasing exercise for the consumer price index of Belize 2020 _ 378832 _ English _ 773 _ 382032 _ pdf
43445 _ Poster - COICOP-2018 Classification for the East African Community Region _ 378950 _ English _ 773 _ 382377 _ pdf
43445 _ Paper - COICOP-2018 Classification for the East African Community Region _ 378951 _ English _ 773 _ 382378 _ pdf
43445 _ Poster - CPI weights in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Norway _ 378918 _ English _ 773 _ 382299 _ pdf
43445 _ Paper - CPI weights in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Norway _ 378958 _ English _ 773 _ 382387 _ pdf
43445 _ Poster - Expenditure weights, Botswana _ 379427 _ English _ 773 _ 383562 _ pdf
43445 _ Poster - Imputing indices, United Kingdom _ 379248 _ English _ 773 _ 383100 _ pdf
43445 _ Poster - Thailand's progress and future steps for implementing alternative data sources in the CPI _ 379646 _ English _ 773 _ 384069 _ pdf
Workshop on scanner data I
Using the PriceIndices R package to produce consumer price statistics
Jacek Białek, University of Lodz/Statistics Poland
43446 _ Presentation - Introduction to the acquisition of scanner data for CPI, UN CEBD Task Team on Scanner Data _ 379649 _ English _ 773 _ 384079 _ pdf
Session 2: Other data sources
43447 _ Presentation - Index compilation with online prices for household appliances and consumer electronics, Luxembourg _ 379241 _ English _ 773 _ 383088 _ pdf
43447 _ Paper - Index compilation with online prices for household appliances and consumer electronics, Luxembourg _ 379242 _ English _ 773 _ 383093 _ pdf
43447 _ Presentation - Sharing economy or just utilization of new business models? - Norway _ 379426 _ English _ 773 _ 383561 _ pdf
43447 _ Paper - Sharing economy or just utilization of new business models? - Norway _ 379472 _ English _ 773 _ 383628 _ pdf
43447 _ Presentation - Measuring geographical and population coverage in CPI internet price collection: An application with groceries web scraping in Italy _ 379430 _ English _ 773 _ 383565 _ pdf
43447 _ Paper - Measuring geographical and population coverage in CPI internet price collection: An application with groceries web scraping in Italy _ 378957 _ English _ 773 _ 382386 _ pdf
43447 _ Presentation - Rent Indexes and Additional Insights from Administrative Data, Australia _ 379243 _ English _ 773 _ 383094 _ pdf
43447 _ Paper - New Insights into the Rental Market, Australia _ 379244 _ English _ 773 _ 383095 _ pdf
43447 _ Presentation - Expanding the use of Big Data for CPI in Japan _ 378722 _ English _ 773 _ 381667 _ pdf
43447 _ Paper - Expanding the use of Big Data for CPI in Japan _ 378714 _ English _ 773 _ 381656 _ pdf
43447 _ Presentation - Identifying and mitigating misclassification: A case study of the Machine Learning lifecycle in price indices with web-scraped clothing data, Canada _ 378723 _ English _ 773 _ 381668 _ pdf
43447 _ Paper - Identifying and mitigating misclassification: A case study of the Machine Learning lifecycle in price indices with web-scraped clothing data, Canada _ 378715 _ English _ 773 _ 381657 _ pdf
43447 _ Presentation - Survey Data versus Administrative Data in the CPI Rent Price Index, Iran _ 378725 _ English _ 773 _ 381674 _ pdf
43447 _ Paper - Survey Data versus Administrative Data in the CPI Rent Price index, Challenges, Changes and Solutions – Case study of Iran _ 378716 _ English _ 773 _ 381659 _ pdf
43447 _ Presentation - Outlier detection for alternative data sources, United Kindom _ 378809 _ English _ 773 _ 381986 _ pdf
43447 _ Presentation - Web Scraping of Commodities for Consumer Price Index in the National Capital Region, Philippines _ 379354 _ English _ 773 _ 383397 _ pdf
43447 _ Paper - Web Scraping of Prices of Commodities Included in the Generation of Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the National Capital Region (NCR), Philippines _ 378768 _ English _ 773 _ 381837 _ pdf
Poster Session II
43448 _ Poster - Revision of 2020-Base CPI Weights under the COVID-19 Pandemic, Japan _ 378864 _ English _ 773 _ 382177 _ pdf
43448 _ Poster - Evolution of the CPI in Mozambique since its independence to date (1975-2023) _ 379425 _ English _ 773 _ 383560 _ pdf
43448 _ Poster - Modernization of CPI Production in Bangladesh _ 378919 _ English _ 773 _ 382300 _ pdf
43448 _ Poster - Some Applications of Web Scraping in the CPI, The case of Gasoline, Mexico _ 378833 _ English _ 773 _ 382033 _ pdf
43448 _ Poster - The use of cash register data in the formation of CPI, Kazakhstan _ 378971 _ English _ 773 _ 382421 _ pdf
43448 _ Poster - Consumer price indices for motor vehicle insurances: the new source and methodology in the Italian experience _ 379235 _ English _ 773 _ 383077 _ pdf
43448 _ Poster - Implementation of the COICOP 2018” The case of Uganda _ 379429 _ English _ 773 _ 383564 _ pdf
43448 _ Poster - Investigating the possibilities for using scanner data for CPI in Namibia _ 379470 _ English _ 773 _ 383623 _ pdf
Workshop on scanner data II
43449 _ Presentation - Classifying alternative data for consumer price statistics, UN Task Team on Scanner Data _ 379650 _ English _ 773 _ 384081 _ pdf
Session 3: Implementation of COICOP
43450 _ Presentation - Status of COICOP 2018 implementation in Latin America and the Caribbean: Before or after collecting the Household Income and Expenditure Survey _ 379571 _ English _ 773 _ 383808 _ pdf
43450 _ Presentation - The implementation of COICOP 2018 in the HICP: An overview, Eurostat _ 379391 _ English _ 773 _ 383494 _ pdf
43450 _ Paper - The implementation of COICOP 2018 in the HICP: An overview, Eurostat _ 378866 _ English _ 773 _ 382179 _ pdf
Session 4: CPI for household groups and measuring well-being
43451 _ Presentation - Compilation of Italian HICP by Different Groups of Households _ 379478 _ English _ 773 _ 383646 _ pdf
43451 _ Presentation - Measuring inflation as households experience it, United Kingdom _ 378726 _ English _ 773 _ 381676 _ pdf
43451 _ Paper - Measuring Inflation as Households Experience it, United Kingdom _ 378720 _ English _ 773 _ 381663 _ pdf
43451 _ Presentation - Expanding the family of US Consumer Price Indexes _ 379421 _ English _ 773 _ 383556 _ pdf
43451 _ Paper - United States Inflation Experience across the Income Distribution _ 378956 _ English _ 773 _ 382385 _ pdf
43451 _ Paper - Household Cost Indexes: Prototype Methods and Results, US _ 379423 _ English _ 773 _ 383558 _ pdf
Session 5: Expenditure weights in the CPI
43452 _ Presentation - Can't weight anymore! South Africa’s use of national accounts and point of sale data to update the CPI basket and weights _ 379651 _ English _ 773 _ 384082 _ pdf
43452 _ Paper - Can’t weight anymore! South Africa’s use of national accounts and point of sale data to update the CPI basket and weights _ 378862 _ English _ 773 _ 382171 _ pdf
43452 _ Presentation - The Use of Alternative Data Source as A Proxy to Approach More Frequent Updates of CPI Expenditure Weight, Indonesia _ 379608 _ English _ 773 _ 383909 _ pdf
43452 _ Paper - The Use of Alternative Data Source As a Proxy to Approach More Frequent Updates of CPI Expenditure Weight, Indonesia _ 379498 _ English _ 773 _ 383687 _ pdf
43452 _ Presentation - Impact of Weight Timeliness on the US CPI _ 379422 _ English _ 773 _ 383557 _ pdf
Session 6: Quality adjustments
43453 _ Presentation - The Making of Hedonic Index Numbers, Finland _ 379348 _ English _ 773 _ 383380 _ pdf
43453 _ Paper - The Making of Hedonic Index Numbers, Finland _ 378794 _ English _ 773 _ 381935 _ pdf
43453 _ Presentation - New Hedonic Quality Adjustment Method using Sparse Estimation, Japan _ 378863 _ English _ 773 _ 382176 _ pdf
43453 _ Paper - New Hedonic Quality Adjustment Method using Sparse Estimation, Japan _ 379420 _ English _ 773 _ 383555 _ pdf
43453 _ Presentation - Scanner Data, Product Churn and Quality Adjustment, W. Erwin Diewert and Chihiro Shimizu _ 379596 _ English _ 773 _ 383886 _ pdf
43453 _ Paper - Scanner Data, Product Churn and Quality Adjustment, W. Erwin Diewert and Chihiro Shimizu _ 379589 _ English _ 773 _ 383877 _ pdf
Session 7: Modernisation of the CPI production
43454 _ Presentation - Modernising CPI Production - PPI as an Official User, Denmark, Canada, Finland, Switzerland _ 379377 _ English _ 773 _ 383465 _ pdf
43454 _ Paper - Modernising CPI Production - PPI as an Official User, Denmark, Canada, Finland, Switzerland _ 379240 _ English _ 773 _ 383086 _ pdf
43454 _ Presentation - Enhancing the Canadian Consumer Price Index _ 378728 _ English _ 773 _ 381679 _ pdf
43454 _ Presentation - Realtime survey management and quality assurance and data processing using open-source tools for the modernization of the production of price indices in Belize 2022-2023 _ 379613 _ English _ 773 _ 383963 _ pdf
43454 _ presentation - Developing reproducible analytical pipelines for the transformation of consumer price statistics: rail fares, UK _ 379238 _ English _ 773 _ 383084 _ pdf
43454 _ Paper - Developing reproducible analytical pipelines for the transformation of consumer price statistics: rail fares, UK _ 379239 _ English _ 773 _ 383085 _ pdf
Session 8: Other CPI issues
43455 _ Presentation - Owner-occupied housing and the HICP, Eurostat _ 380467 _ English _ 773 _ 386050 _ pdf