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Expert meeting on Statistical Data Collection, online

Expert meeting on Statistical Data Collection, online

27 - 30 September 2021

The objective of this expert meeting was to identify innovative ways and best practices in statistical data collection, and to provide a platform for practitioners to exchange experiences and foster collaboration in this area. In addition to the more traditional presentations, the agenda will include target-driven small group discussions and activities to identify best practices and new opportunities. Delegates were asked to contribute to the development of internationally-coordinated work in the field of statistical data collection.

The world of data collection for official statistics is changing rapidly. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an unprecedented acceleration of this. The need for reliable and timely data relevant for making decisions, have become even more apparent due to the pandemic. The expert meeting is an opportunity to jointly face these challenges, to share experiences, and to discuss how we can make the legacy become a permanent improvement in our data collection practices. The UNECE Exert Meeting on Statistical Data Collection aims to address these core topics:

  • Adapting data collection in a crisis context
  • Communication with respondents and data providers
  • Measuring, monitoring and reducing response burden
  • Integration of survey data with other data sources
  • Managing and modernizing Data Collection


  Document Title Documents Presentations
  Provisional Programme


  Information Note 1


  Report PDF  
  Final report for CES    
Welcome and Opening remarks UNECE and Chairs of the 2021 Workshop.  Taeke Gjaltema (UNECE) and Day Chair of the Workshop

Session 1:  Managing and Modernizing Data Collection

Session Organizers: Andrea Ascheri (Eurostat) and Paulo Saraiva (Statistics Portugal)
  Integrated Collection System (ICS): Modernization of Data Collection at Statistics Indonesia. Munaf, Alfatihah R.M.N.S.P; Budi, Brilian Surya; Ashiddiiqi, Sulthoni (Statistics Indonesia) Paper PDF
  Home and Work Identification Process Using Mobile Positioning Data. Nugroho, Amin Rois Sinung; Munaf, Alfatihah Reno M. N. S. P.; Madjida, Wa Ode Zuhayeni; Putra, Amanda Pratama Putra; Setyadi, Ignatius Aditya (Statistics Indonesia) Paper PDF
  Data collection tool for survey monitoring and analysis. Marija Hinda and Nebojša Tolić (Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia [SORS]) Abstract PDF
  Streamlining data collection monitoring activities through the use of control charts: an application to the EU-SILC survey. Manuela Murgia, Alessandra Nuccitelli, and Francesca Rossetti (Istat, Italy) Paper PDF
  Modernisation of the data collection for social surveys and adaptation with pandemic crisis. Estonian experience. Epp Karus (Statistics Estonia) Abstract PDF
  Active metadata for the data collection system. Benoît Werquin and Franck Cotton (INSEE, France) Paper PDF
  The compilation of administrative records on the Mexican industry of light and heavy vehicles: an experience for providing detailed and timely data to users. Gerardo Durand (INEGI, Mexico) Paper PDF
  Innovative geospatial tools integrated to the statistical process for the Economic Census in Colombia. Sandra Liliana Moreno (DANE, Colombia) Abstract PDF

Session 2: Adapting data collection in a crisis context 

Session Organizers: Ian O'Sullivan (ONS, United Kingdom) and Lise Rivais (Statistics Canada)
  Effects of adjustments in face-to-face data collection due to the COVID-19 pandemic on survey results. Daniëlle Groffen, Goris, K., van Berkel, K.; van den Brakel, J. (Statistics Netherlands) Paper PDF
  National Occupation and Employment Survey Transition During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Edgar Vielma Orozco (INEGI, Mexico) Paper PDF
  Timely Official Statistics during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Netherlands. Jan van den Brakel (Statistics Netherlands and Maastricht University), Sabine Krieg and Marc Smeets (Statistics Netherlands) Abstract PDF
  Data collection & the impact, challenges and opportunities of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sylvie Bonhomme (Statistics Canada) Abstract PDF
  Challenges of the 2019 Economic Censuses in Mexico. Susana Pérez Cadena (INEGI, Mexico) Paper PDF
  Real time indicators: Opportunities, challenges, and next steps for national statistical institutes.  Grant Fitzner (Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom) Abstract PDF
  The creation of the Fast and Exceptional Enterprise Survey in COVID time. Sofia Rodrigues, Almiro Moreira and Paulo Saraiva. (Statistics Portugal) Abstract PDF
  The need for timely official statistics: the pandemic as a driver for innovation. Piet Daas (Statistics Netherlands), De Broe, S. (Sciensano), ten Bosch, O., Buiten, G. and Laevens, B. (Statistics Netherlands) Abstract PDF
  Cooperation During Crisis - A Cross-National View on National Statistics Organisations and Data Stewardship in Times of Crisis. Florian Henning (Statistics Netherlands), Crystal Sewards (Statistics Canada), Paul Grooten (Statistics Netherlands), Leanne Houben (Statistics Netherlands), Matjaz Jug (Statistics Netherlands), Courtney
Cameron (Statistics Canada), David McNamee (Statistics Canada), Dominic Parent (Statistics Canada)
Paper PDF

Session 3: Respondents Care

Session Organizers: Susan Oudshoorn (Statistics Netherlands), Paulo Saraiva (Statistics Portugal) and Ian O'Sullivan (ONS, United Kingdom)
  Simple, but effective: Evolving institutional use of email to grow respondent engagement in business surveys. Spurti D’souza, Jodie Kline and Lance Nelson (Australian Bureau of Statistics) Paper PDF
  Tracking Government Expenditures in Agriculture: FAO application of IMF Methodology and Data. Gary Jones and Atang Moletsane (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) Paper PDF
  Towards a future proof portal for business respondents. Bente Hole (Statistics Norway), Chandra Adolfsson (Statistics Sweden) and Leanne Houben (Statistics Netherlands) Paper PDF
  Response burden in business surveys – how to manage? Sofia Rodrigues, Almiro Moreira, Paulo Saraiva (Statistics Portugal) Abstract PDF
  Monitoring and addressing non-response surveys bias during the pandemic. Martina Helme and Veronique Siegler (Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom) Abstract PDF
  Online cognitive interview with enterprises and institutions. Serena Liani and Gabriella Fazzi (Istat, Italy) Paper PDF
  Modernizing Data Collection – Using Video Data Collection in BLS Surveys. Tamara Madsen and Nishant Menon (United States Bureau of Labor Statistics) Abstract PDF

Session 4:  Multimode and integration of data sources

Session Organizers: Kees van Berkel (Statistics Netherlands) and Andrea Ascheri (Eurostat)
  Online Population Census: The Indonesian Experience. Budi, Brilian Surya; Munaf, Alfatihah R. M. N. S. P.; Ashiddiiqi, Sulthoni (Statistics Indonesia) Paper PDF
  Combination Methods in Tourism Statistics. Putra, Amanda Pratama; Munaf, Alfatihah R. M. N. S. P.; Ruslani, Agus (Statistics Indonesia)  Paper PDF
  Methodological challenges of smart surveys – three case studies. Anne Elevelt and Barry Schouten (Statistics Netherlands) Abstract PDF
  Experimental testing of video-mediated interviewing in official statistics. Claudio Ceccarelli, Gabriella Fazzi, Marco Fortini, Serena Liani (Istat, Italy) Abstract PDF
  CENSUS 2021 –Portuguese Data Collection experience. Almiro Moreira, Luísa Pereira, Paulo Saraiva (Statistics Portugal) Abstract PDF
  The use of electronic invoice data in COVID time. Almiro Moreira, António Portugal, Bruno Lima, João Poças, Jorge Magalhães, Paula Cruz, Salvador Gil, Sofia Rodrigues (Statistics Portugal) Paper PDF
  Positioning Household Surveys for the Next Decade. Haoyi Chen (Inter-Secretariat Working Group on Household Surveys, United Nations Statistics Division) Abstract PDF
  Statistics Canada’s Experiences in Planning, Costing, Managing and Assessing Data Collection of Multi-Modes Social Surveys. François Laflamme (Statistics Canada) Paper PDF