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SEA for the National Strategy on use of alternative and renewable energy sources in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2015 – 2020. Public Consultation Workshop

SEA for the National Strategy on use of alternative and renewable energy sources in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2015 – 2020. Public Consultation Workshop

09 December 2015
Baku Azerbaijan

A public consultation workshop aimed at presenting and discussing the draft National Strategy on use of alternative and renewable energy sources in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2015 – 2020 (hereinafter also ‘Strategy’) and the main findings and recommendations formulated by the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) applied for the Strategy.

The workshop was organised by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources (MENR’), the State Agency on Alternative and Renewable Energy Resources (hereinafter also the ‘Agency’), and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) in the framework of ‘Greening Economies in the European Neighbourhood (EaP GREEN) programme, financed by the European Commission, UN Economic Commission for Europe, OECD, UNEP, and UNIDO. The logistical support for the event was provided by the Regional Environmental Center for Caucasus.The public consultation workshop resulted in obtaining feedback from the key stakeholders on the draft Strategy and preliminary conclusions of the SEA. The comments and suggestions from the workshop will help to verify the planning outputs as well as SEA findings and recommendations. Furthermore, they will be integrated in the final version of the SEA Report.The workshop gathered representatives of the relevant ministries and other state agencies, international organizations, research institutions, and non-governmental organizations.

Venue: Central Park hotel Conference Hall, S.Rahimov st. 165

>>> Please check here for more pictures

Document title    
Background documents    
Final agenda ENG AZ
Draft Report of the Final Public Consultation Workshop ENG  
Draft Report ENG AZ
Short summary of the Draft Report   AZ
Leaflet SEA ENG AZ
List of participants ENG  

Overview of SEA/EIA-related activities within EaP GREEN in Azerbaijan and the role of the UNECE Secretariat

Mr. Martin Smutny, Secretariat to the UNECE Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention) and its Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment (Protocol on SEA)


Introduction to the SEA for the National Strategy on use of alternative and renewable energy sources in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2015 – 2020

·   Brief overview of steps and analyses

·   Approach and methodology for the SEA


Ms. Aysel Babayeva, SEA Pilot Team Leader, and

Mr. Fikret Jafarov, SEA Pilot Project Coordinator




National Strategy on use of alternative and renewable energy sources in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2015 – 2020

·   Brief overview of main priorities

·   Implementing scheme and follow-up planning i.e. preparation of the Action Plan

Mr. Ramiz Kalbiyev, Deputy Head of Department on Alternative and Renewable Energy Use, the State Agency on Alternative and Renewable Energy Resources


Main SEA findings and recommendations:

·   Major impacts on the key issues (presented by the SEA experts)


·   Water Resources

Mr. Anar Nuriyev, Hidrolog


·   Atmosphere climate socio-economic

Mr. Islam Mammadov


·   Public Health

Mr. Ismayil Afandiyev


·   Landscpae Biodiversity

Mr. Mehman Nabiyev


·   Soil

Mr. Qasham Yaqubov