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Meeting with the representatives of the working group on the development of the National Environmental Code

Meeting with the representatives of the working group on the development of the National Environmental Code

06 March 2020
Dushanbe Tajikistan


Agenda ENG RUS
List of Participants ENG RUS
Report  ENG RUS
Concept of EIA and SEA as set by the Espoo Convention and other international standards
Mr Jezy Jendroska, UNECE international key legal expert
Modernization of EIA/SEE and SEA systems in Tajikistan
Mr Andriy Andrusevych, UNECE international legal consultant 
Graph EIA/SEA vs Expertiza   RUS
Graph Transboundary EIA procedure   RUS
Graph EIA procedure in Europe   RUS
Graph Screening procedure in Europe    RUS
Graph EIA in Kazakhstan   RUS
Graph EIA key elements Tajikistan   RUS
Graph EIA procedure Uzbekistan    RUS
Graph SEA procedure   RUS