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Third Global round table on PRTRs

Third Global round table on PRTRs

07 - 08 November 2018
Salle VII, Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

The third Global Round Table on PRTRs was held on 7 - 8 November 2018 in Geneva (Palais des Nations), back to back with the sixth meeting of the Working Group of the Parties to the Protocol on PRTRs (9 November 2018). The event was organised under the auspices of UNECE and OECD, in cooperation with UNITAR and UNEP. The round table took stock of successes and challenges in implementing the Protocol on PRTRs and establishing PRTR systems in different countries to date. The outcomes of the event  will help to guide future activities towards implementation of new PRTRs and enhancement of existing PRTRs.


The provisional programme for the third Global Round Table on PRTRs can be found below. Other documents for the meeting, statements made during the meeting, and the meeting report are available below.

Documents and background material:
UNECE weekly

A news story related to the event and entitled Disseminating data on pollutant releases: promoting informed decisions for a sustainable future is available here.



Provisional agenda PDF    
List of Participants PDF    
List of speakers PDF    
Report on the third Global Round Table on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers ECE/MP.PRTR/WG.1/2019/3 PDF PDF PDF


Item 2      
Mr. Íñigo De VICENTE-MINGARRO, Chair of the International PRTR Coordinating Group. PPT    
Mr. Andrea CARARO, Chemicals and Waste Management Programme Unit, Division for Planet, United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). PPT    
Mr. Mohamad KAYYAL, Programme Management Officer, Mediterranean Pollution Assessment and Control Programme (UNEP MED POL), Barcelona Convention secretariat. PPT    
Mr. Carlos DE MIGUEL, Head of Policies for Sustainable Development Unit, United Nations Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). PPT    
Mr. Sokunthea UON, Vice Chief Office, Department of Hazardous Substance Management, General Directorate of Environmental Protection, Ministry of Environment, Cambodia. PPT    
Ms. Nino GOKHELASHVILI, Head of Sustainable Development Division, Department of Environment and Climate Change, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Georgia. PPT    
Ms. Sarantuya JIGIIDDORI, National coordinator for Strengthening Capacities for Developing a National PRTR in support of SAICM in Mongolia, Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Mongolia. PPT    
Ms. Camila ALVA ESTABRIDIS, Director of Pollution Control and Chemical Substances, Ministry of the Environment, Peru. PPT    
Mr. Med Cherif FOURTI, General Engineer, Observatory for the Environment and Sustainable Development (OTEDD), Tunisia. PPT    
Item 3      
Ms. Lesya KARNAUKH, Member of the Bureau, UNECE Protocol on PRTRs. PPT    
Mr. Steve DEVITO, Member of the Bureau, OECD Working Group on PRTRs. PPT    
Ms. Caitlin BRIERE, Program Analyst, Environmental Protection Agency, United States of America. PPT    
Mr. Grégoire NIMESKERN, Engineer in charge of Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers, General Directorate for Risks Prevention, Ministry for Environment, France. PPT    
Mr. Alex RADWAY, Policy Advisor, Directorate General Environment, European Commission and Mr. Bastian ZIEGLER, Industry and Environment Expert, European Environment Agency. PPT    
Mr. Orlando CABRERA RIVERA, Manager of Environmental Quality and Climate Change Program, Commission for Environmental Cooperation, North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation. PPT    
Ms. Cheryl KEENAN, Senior Analyst, Eastern Research Group. PPT    
Ms. Maayan PORAT GANZ, PRTR Advocate, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Israel. PDF    
Mr. Nebojsa REDZIC, Head of Department, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Serbia. PPT    
Ms. Shanshan DING, Green Supply Chain Project Manager, Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs (IPE), China. PPT    
Item 4      
Ms. Tatiana TUGUI, Environmental Pollution Prevention Office, Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment, Republic of Moldova. PPT    
Mr. Noriyuki SUZUKI, Director, Center for Environmental Risk Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan. PPT    
Mr. Íñigo De VICENTE-MINGARRO, PRTR-España Administrator, Spanish Register of Emissions and Pollutant Sources, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Spain. PPT    
Item 5      
Mr. Michael PETRONI, Environmental & Natural Resources Policy PhD Program, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry. PPT    
Ms. Mara SILINA, Co-Chair, European ECO Forum. PDF    
Mr. Fredrik Hallgren, Project Manager, Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL). PPT    
Mr. Masayuki SEKIGUCHI, Section Chief, Ministry of the Environment, Japan. PPT    
Mr. Glenn STORBRÅTEN, Senior Advisor, Norwegian Environment Agency, Norway. PPT    
Ms. Christina RAAB, Global Implementation Director, Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) programme. PPT    
Mr. Christian SCHAIBLE, Policy Manager for Industrial Production, European Environmental Bureau (EEB). PPT