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Sixth meeting of the Working Group of the Parties to the Protocol on PRTRs

09 November 2018
Salle VII, Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

The sixth meeting of the Working Group of the Parties to the Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers (PRTRs) was held on 9 November 2018 in Geneva (Palais des Nations), back to back with the
third Global Round Table on PRTRs (7-8 November 2018). The Working Group considered a number of subjects, including:

• Progress in implementing the work programmes and financial matters
• Compliance and reporting mechanisms
• Promotion and capacity-building
• Preparations for the fourth ordinary session of the Meeting of the Parties

Furthermore, with a view to preparing for the next session of the Meeting of the Parties, the Working Group requested the Bureau:
a) in consideration of further development of the Protocol to draw up a report with the support of the Compliance Committee:
       (i) reviewing the reporting requirements under the Protocol as referred to in Article 6(2) of the Protocol, including possible revisions of Annexes I and II taking into account recent developments in relevant international processes;
       (ii) identifying possible gaps and examples of imprecise wording or other provisions of the Protocol, for which Parties face implementation challenges.

b) to submit this report to the Working Group at its next meeting for consideration and as a basis for discussions on possible revisions of the Protocol.

c) The Working Group requested the European Union to inform the Bureau prior to March 2019 about procedural steps that the European Union plans to take in order to obtain the required mandate for negotiating possible amendments to the Protocol.

Documents and statements delivered at the meeting can be found below.



Document title ENG FRE RUS
Provisional Agenda, (ECE/MP.PRTR/WG.1/2018/1) PDF PDF PDF
Report, (ECE/MP.PRTR/WG.1/2018/2) PDF PDF PDF
List of Participants PDF    
List of decisions and outcomes, (PRTR/WG.1/2018/Inf.5) PDF    
Item 6      
Progress in implementing the strategic plan for 2015–2020, (ECE/MP.PRTR/WG.1/2018/5) PDF PDF PDF
Development of the Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers, (ECE/MP.PRTR/WG.1/2018/6) PDF PDF PDF
Results of the 2018 survey among national focal points on progress in implementing the strategic plan for 2015-2020 (PRTR/WG.1/2018/Inf.1) PDF    
PRTR Survey (PRTR.WG.1.2018.Inf.1.Add.1) Excel    
References in existing official documents that are relevant to the implementation of the strategic plan for 2015-2020 (PRTR/WG.1/2018/Inf.2) PDF    
List of possible specific actions that could further the implementation of the Protocol and its strategic plan for 2015-2020 (PRTR/WG.1/2018/Inf.3) PDF    
Item 7      
Report on implementation of the work programmes of the Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers for 20152017 and 2018–2021, (ECE/MP.PRTR/WG.1/2018/3) PDF PDF PDF
Report on contributions and expenditures in relation to implementation of the Protocol’s work programmes for 2015–2017 and 2018–2021, (ECE/MP.PRTR/WG.1/2018/4) PDF PDF PDF
Note on contributions (PRTR/WG.1/2018/Inf.4) PDF    


Statement Title ENG FRE RUS
Statements by EU and its Member States                PDF    
Statement by Switzerland PDF