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Seventh meeting of the Bureau

Seventh meeting of the Bureau

20 November 2008

Due to the very busy time and many ESD-related activities and events taking place during this time of the year, the seventh meeting of the Bureau, initially scheduled on 20 November 2008, will be conducted through consultations by e-mail and, if needed, through a telephone conference. The Bureau will work on preparing the fourth meeting of the Steering Committee (Geneva, 19-20 February 2009). The documents will be posted on the website as they become available.


Provisional agenda for the seventh meeting of the Bureau
Draft provisional agenda for the fourth meeting of the UNECE Steering Committee on ESD
Good practices in education for sustainable development in the UNECE region
Proposed table of contents for a UNECE publication on ESD
Proposal for the establishment of a UNECE Expert Group on Competences in ESD