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FPAMR 2011-2012

Forest Products Annual Market Review, 2011-2012
Geneva Timber and Forest Study Paper 30, ECE/TIM/SP/30

The UNECE/FAO Forest Products Annual Market Review, 2011-2012 provides general and statistical information on forest products markets in 2011 and early 2012 in the UN Economic Commission for Europe region (Europe, North America and Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia)
The Review begins with an overview chapter, followed by a description of the economic situation and housing-driven demand for forest products in the region. It then presents the policy implications of market developments in the region.
Market developments in five standard sectors, based on annual country-supplied statistics, are described for wood raw materials, sawn softwood, sawn hardwood, wood-based panels and paper and paperboard.
Regular chapters discuss markets for wood energy, certified forest products, carbon and value-added wood products. There is also a special chapter with a brief review of innovative wood products.  In each chapter production, trade and consumption are analysed and relevant development on specific markets and policies are included.
Tables included with the text present summary statistical information. Additional statistical tables are available below.
The above publication is available in PDF format. To read documents in PDF format you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. This software is free-of-charge and is available from the official Adobe  website.  

Electronic Annex: Detailed statistical data tables (and definitions) and trade flows showing trade between leading countries.


Table of Contents




Front matter


Chapter 1:    Overview of forest products markets and policies, 2011-2012


Chapter 2:    The economic situation and construction sector developments in the UNECE region, 2011-2012


Chapter 3:    Policy  and regulatory framework developments, 2011-2012


Chapter 4:    Wood raw material markets, 2011-2012


Chapter 5:    Sawn softwood markets, 2011-2012


Chapter 6:    Sawn hardwood markets, 2011-2012


Chapter 7:    Wood-based panels markets, 2011-2012


Chapter 8:    Paper, paperboard and woodpulp markets, 2011-2012


Chapter 9:    Wood energy markets, 2011-2012


Chapter 10: Certified forest products markets, 2011-2012


Chapter 11: Carbon markets, 2011-2012


Chapter 12:  Value-added wood products markets, 2011-2012


Chapter 13:  Innovative wood-based products


Back matter




This year's authors



This year's team


The Review’s main findings are available via a press release: EN, FR, RU.
Radio interview by Alex McCusker


Copies can be ordered from the UN Sales Section, fax +41 (22) 917-0027,