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Third joint meeting of the Working Group on IWRM and Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment

26 - 28 April 2021
Assembly Hall, Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

The 16th meeting of the Working Group on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and the 16th meeting of the Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment under the Water Convention were held jointly to exploit synergies in the work of the two bodies.

The main objectives of the 3rd joint meeting of the two working groups were to:

  1. Review implementation of the Water Convention work programme for 2019–2021 and discuss progress in the Convention’s global opening
  2. Discuss the draft programme of work for 2022–2024 under the Water Convention (ENG, FRE, RUS, SPA) to be submitted to the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention for adoption at its 9th session (Geneva (hybrid), 29 September–1 October 2021))
  3. Discuss documents to be submitted to the 9th session of the Meeting of the Parties.


The meeting was open to experts representing governmental authorities, joint bodies, non-governmental as well as international organizations and other interested stakeholders, from the academia or the private sector.

Format of the meeting

The working languages for the meeting were Arabic, English, French, Russian and Spanish.

Item 2 - Adoption of the agenda

6851 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/1, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/1 - Provisional Agenda _ 352506 _ English _ 773 _ 320963 _ pdf
6851 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/1, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/1 - Provisional Agenda _ 352506 _ French _ 780 _ 321235 _ pdf
6851 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/1, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/1 - Provisional Agenda _ 352506 _ Russian _ 864 _ 320965 _ pdf
6851 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/1, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/1 - Provisional Agenda _ 352506 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 321578 _ pdf
6851 _ ECE/MP.WAT/54/Add.1 - Programme of work for 2019–2021 _ 352546 _ English _ 773 _ 319499 _ pdf
6851 _ ECE/MP.WAT/54/Add.1 - Programme of work for 2019–2021 _ 352546 _ French _ 780 _ 319503 _ pdf
6851 _ ECE/MP.WAT/54/Add.1 - Programme of work for 2019–2021 _ 352546 _ Russian _ 864 _ 319504 _ pdf
6851 _ ECE/MP.WAT/54/Add.1 - Programme of work for 2019–2021 _ 352546 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 322307 _ pdf
6851 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/3, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/3 - Report on the implementation of activities under the Water Convention in 2020 _ 352579 _ English _ 773 _ 320737 _ pdf
6851 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/3, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/3 - Report on the implementation of activities under the Water Convention in 2020 _ 352579 _ French _ 780 _ 320738 _ pdf
6851 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/3, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/3 - Report on the implementation of activities under the Water Convention in 2020 _ 352579 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 322309 _ pdf
6851 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/3, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/3 - Report on the implementation of activities under the Water Convention in 2020 _ 352579 _ Russian _ 864 _ 323007 _ pdf
6851 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/4, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/4 - Draft programme of work for 2022–2024 _ 353685 _ English _ 773 _ 323523 _ pdf
6851 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/4, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/4 - Draft programme of work for 2022–2024 _ 353685 _ French _ 780 _ 323524 _ pdf
6851 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/4, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/4 - Draft programme of work for 2022–2024 _ 353685 _ Russian _ 864 _ 323525 _ pdf
6851 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/4, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/4 - Draft programme of work for 2022–2024 _ 353685 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 324400 _ pdf

Item 3 - Adoption of the reports of the previous meetings

6907 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2020/2 - Report of the Working Group on Integrated Water Resources Management on its fifteenth meeting _ 352548 _ English _ 773 _ 325226 _ pdf
6907 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2020/2 - Report of the Working Group on Integrated Water Resources Management on its fifteenth meeting _ 352548 _ French _ 780 _ 325227 _ pdf
6907 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2020/2 - Report of the Working Group on Integrated Water Resources Management on its fifteenth meeting _ 352548 _ Russian _ 864 _ 325228 _ pdf
6907 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2019/2 - Report of the Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment on its fifteenth meeting _ 352555 _ English _ 773 _ 319511 _ pdf
6907 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2019/2 - Report of the Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment on its fifteenth meeting _ 352555 _ French _ 780 _ 319512 _ pdf
6907 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2019/2 - Report of the Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment on its fifteenth meeting _ 352555 _ Russian _ 864 _ 319513 _ pdf

Item 4 - Recent developments related to transboundary water cooperation at the global level and under the Convention

8133 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/4, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/4 - Draft programme of work for 2022–2024 _ 353685 _ English _ 773 _ 323523 _ pdf
8133 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/4, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/4 - Draft programme of work for 2022–2024 _ 353685 _ French _ 780 _ 323524 _ pdf
8133 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/4, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/4 - Draft programme of work for 2022–2024 _ 353685 _ Russian _ 864 _ 323525 _ pdf
8133 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/4, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/4 - Draft programme of work for 2022–2024 _ 353685 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 324400 _ pdf
8133 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/INF.1, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/INF.1 - Main outcomes of the online survey for the development of the programme of work for 2022–2024 _ 355191 _ English _ 773 _ 324401 _ pdf

Item 5 - Status of ratification

8702 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/INF.2, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/INF.2 - Ratification status of the Water Convention, its amendments and Protocols _ 354176 _ English _ 773 _ 322235 _ pdf

Item 6 - Increasing awareness of and accession to the Convention and application of its principles drawing on the benefits of cooperation

6919 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/INF.3, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/INF.3 - Draft checklist on the development of agreements or other arrangements for transboundary water cooperation _ 355289 _ English _ 773 _ 324461 _ pdf
6919 _ ECE/MP.WAT/IC/2020/2 - Report of the Implementation Committee on its eleventh meeting _ 352557 _ English _ 773 _ 319515 _ pdf
6919 _ ECE/MP.WAT/IC/2020/2 - Report of the Implementation Committee on its eleventh meeting _ 352557 _ French _ 780 _ 319516 _ pdf
6919 _ ECE/MP.WAT/IC/2020/2 - Report of the Implementation Committee on its eleventh meeting _ 352557 _ Russian _ 864 _ 319517 _ pdf
6919 _ ECE/MP.WAT/IC/2021/1 - Report of the Implementation Committee on its twelfth meeting _ 354201 _ English _ 773 _ 327659 _ pdf
6919 _ ECE/MP.WAT/IC/2021/1 - Report of the Implementation Committee on its twelfth meeting _ 354201 _ French _ 780 _ 327660 _ pdf
6919 _ ECE/MP.WAT/IC/2021/1 - Report of the Implementation Committee on its twelfth meeting _ 354201 _ Russian _ 864 _ 327661 _ pdf
6919 _ ECE/MP.WAT/54/Add.2 - Strategy for the implementation of the Convention at the global level _ 352560 _ English _ 773 _ 319524 _ pdf
6919 _ ECE/MP.WAT/54/Add.2 - Strategy for the implementation of the Convention at the global level _ 352560 _ French _ 780 _ 319526 _ pdf
6919 _ ECE/MP.WAT/54/Add.2 - Strategy for the implementation of the Convention at the global level _ 352560 _ Russian _ 864 _ 319527 _ pdf
6919 _ ECE/MP.WAT/54/Add.2 - Strategy for the implementation of the Convention at the global level _ 352560 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 320182 _ pdf

Item 7 - Promoting an integrated and intersectoral approach to water management at all levels

6936 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/INF.4, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/INF.4 - Solutions and investments in the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus: a synthesis of experiences in transboundary basins _ 355362 _ English _ 773 _ 324695 _ pdf
6936 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/7, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/7 - Main messages of the draft handbook on water allocation in a transboundary context _ 354289 _ English _ 773 _ 322611 _ pdf
6936 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/7, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/7 - Main messages of the draft handbook on water allocation in a transboundary context _ 354289 _ French _ 780 _ 322612 _ pdf
6936 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/7, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/7 - Main messages of the draft handbook on water allocation in a transboundary context _ 354289 _ Russian _ 864 _ 322613 _ pdf
6936 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/7, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/7 - Main messages of the draft handbook on water allocation in a transboundary context _ 354289 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 322501 _ pdf
6936 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/INF.5, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/INF.5 - Draft handbook on water allocation in a transboundary context _ 355473 _ English _ 773 _ 324904 _ pdf
6936 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/INF.5, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/INF.5 - Draft handbook on water allocation in a transboundary context _ 355473 _ Russian _ 864 _ 328937 _ pdf
6936 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/INF.5, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/INF.5 - Draft handbook on water allocation in a transboundary context _ 355473 _ French _ 780 _ 329849 _ pdf

Item 8 - Supporting monitoring, assessment and information-sharing in transboundary basins

6940 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2019/2 - Report of the Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment on its fifteenth meeting _ 352563 _ English _ 773 _ 319534 _ pdf
6940 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2019/2 - Report of the Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment on its fifteenth meeting _ 352563 _ French _ 780 _ 319535 _ pdf
6940 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2019/2 - Report of the Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment on its fifteenth meeting _ 352563 _ Russian _ 864 _ 319536 _ pdf

Item 9 - Reporting on Sustainable Development Goal indicator 6.5.2 and under the Convention

Summary Progress Update 2021: SDG 6 — water and sanitation for all (English only)

6946 _ ECE/MP.WAT/54/Add.2 - Decision VIII/I on reporting under the Convention _ 352566 _ English _ 773 _ 319544 _ pdf

Summary Progress Update 2021: SDG 6 — water and sanitation for all (English only)

6946 _ ECE/MP.WAT/54/Add.2 - Decision VIII/I on reporting under the Convention _ 352566 _ French _ 780 _ 319545 _ pdf

Summary Progress Update 2021: SDG 6 — water and sanitation for all (English only)

6946 _ ECE/MP.WAT/54/Add.2 - Decision VIII/I on reporting under the Convention _ 352566 _ Russian _ 864 _ 319546 _ pdf

Summary Progress Update 2021: SDG 6 — water and sanitation for all (English only)

6946 _ ECE/MP.WAT/54/Add.2 - Decision VIII/I on reporting under the Convention _ 352566 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 320184 _ pdf

Summary Progress Update 2021: SDG 6 — water and sanitation for all (English only)

6946 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/INF.6, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/INF.6 - Draft second report on progress on transboundary water cooperation under the Water Convention: basic content and key messages _ 355443 _ English _ 773 _ 324851 _ pdf

Summary Progress Update 2021: SDG 6 — water and sanitation for all (English only)

6946 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/INF.7, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/INF.7 - Options and considerations for the development of an online reporting system _ 355516 _ English _ 773 _ 325000 _ pdf

Item 12 - Partnerships, communication and knowledge management

6950 _ ECE/MP.WH/19/Add.1, EUPCR/1814149/1.2/2019/MOP-5/06/Add.1 - Programme of work for 2020–2022 under the Protocol on Water and Health _ 352567 _ English _ 773 _ 319547 _ pdf
6950 _ ECE/MP.WH/19/Add.1, EUPCR/1814149/1.2/2019/MOP-5/06/Add.1 - Programme of work for 2020–2022 under the Protocol on Water and Health _ 352567 _ French _ 780 _ 319548 _ pdf
6950 _ ECE/MP.WH/19/Add.1, EUPCR/1814149/1.2/2019/MOP-5/06/Add.1 - Programme of work for 2020–2022 under the Protocol on Water and Health _ 352567 _ Russian _ 864 _ 319549 _ pdf

Item 13 - International Water Assessment Centre

6954 _ ECE/MP.WAT/54/Add.2 - Programme of work of the International Water Assessment Centre for 2019–2021 _ 352568 _ English _ 773 _ 319550 _ pdf
6954 _ ECE/MP.WAT/54/Add.2 - Programme of work of the International Water Assessment Centre for 2019–2021 _ 352568 _ French _ 780 _ 319551 _ pdf
6954 _ ECE/MP.WAT/54/Add.2 - Programme of work of the International Water Assessment Centre for 2019–2021 _ 352568 _ Russian _ 864 _ 319552 _ pdf
6954 _ ECE/MP.WAT/54/Add.2 - Programme of work of the International Water Assessment Centre for 2019–2021 _ 352568 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 320189 _ pdf

Item 14 - Financing of the Water Convention

7004 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/5, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/5 - Provisional report on contributions and expenditures from January until December 2020 _ 355526 _ English _ 773 _ 325050 _ pdf
7004 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/8, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/8 - Draft decision on targets for a more sustainable and predictable funding of the work under the Convention _ 352608 _ English _ 773 _ 321154 _ pdf
7004 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/8, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/8 - Draft decision on targets for a more sustainable and predictable funding of the work under the Convention _ 352608 _ French _ 780 _ 321155 _ pdf
7004 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/8, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/8 - Draft decision on targets for a more sustainable and predictable funding of the work under the Convention _ 352608 _ Russian _ 864 _ 321156 _ pdf
7004 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/8, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/8 - Draft decision on targets for a more sustainable and predictable funding of the work under the Convention _ 352608 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 322314 _ pdf

Item 15 - Future programme of work for 2022–2024

8132 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/4, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/4 - Draft programme of work for 2022–2024 _ 353685 _ English _ 773 _ 323523 _ pdf
8132 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/4, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/4 - Draft programme of work for 2022–2024 _ 353685 _ French _ 780 _ 323524 _ pdf
8132 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/4, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/4 - Draft programme of work for 2022–2024 _ 353685 _ Russian _ 864 _ 323525 _ pdf
8132 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/4, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/4 - Draft programme of work for 2022–2024 _ 353685 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 324400 _ pdf

Item 16 - Preparation of the ninth session of the Meeting of the Parties

10223 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/INF.8, ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/INF.8 - Draft programme of the ninth session of the Meeting of the Parties _ 355352 _ English _ 773 _ 324679 _ pdf

Item 17 - Possible hosting of the tenth session of the Meeting of the Parties

6958 _ ECE/ MP.WAT/WG.1/2020/4 - Possible procedure for proposing to host future sessions of the Meeting of the Parties _ 352569 _ English _ 773 _ 319554 _ pdf
6958 _ ECE/ MP.WAT/WG.1/2020/4 - Possible procedure for proposing to host future sessions of the Meeting of the Parties _ 352569 _ French _ 780 _ 319555 _ pdf
6958 _ ECE/ MP.WAT/WG.1/2020/4 - Possible procedure for proposing to host future sessions of the Meeting of the Parties _ 352569 _ Russian _ 864 _ 319556 _ pdf

Outcomes of the Meeting



10649 _ Unedited list of decisions _ 355629 _ English _ 773 _ 325382 _ pdf



10649 _ Unedited list of decisions _ 355629 _ French _ 780 _ 325278 _ pdf



10649 _ Unedited list of decisions _ 355629 _ Russian _ 864 _ 325279 _ pdf



10649 _ Unedited list of decisions _ 355629 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 325280 _ pdf





Presentations and statements

10666 _ Item 4 - Recent developments related to transboundary water cooperation at the global level and under the Convention - Outcomes of the survey on the programme of work of the Water Convention for 2022-2024 - Ms. Sonja Koeppel, Water Convention secretariat, UNECE _ 355644 _ English _ 773 _ 325306 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 4 - Recent developments related to transboundary water cooperation at the global level and under the Convention - Statement by Senegal on the WWF9 - Mr. Abdoulaye Sene, Senegal _ 356267 _ French _ 780 _ 326884 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 5 - Status of ratification - Status of ratification of the Water Convention - Ms. Sonja Koeppel, Water Convention secretariat, UNECE _ 356268 _ English _ 773 _ 326885 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 6 - Increasing awareness of and accessionto the Convention and application of its principles drawing on the benefits of cooperation - Increasing capacity for implementation of the Convention and supporting national processes towards accession - Ms. Chantal Demilecamps, Water Convention secretariat, UNECE _ 355657 _ English _ 773 _ 325318 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 6 - Increasing awareness of and accessionto the Convention and application of its principles drawing on the benefits of cooperation - Statements and presentations by Authority of the Mono Basin, CCAD/SICA, ECOWAS Commission and WDC at JUST - Mr. Razaki Sanoussi (ABM), Mr. Raul Artiga (CCAD/SICA), Mr. Bougonou Djeri-Alassani (ECOWAS Commission) and Mr. Suhil Kiwan (JUST) _ 356271 _ French _ 780 _ 326888 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 6 - Increasing awareness of and accessionto the Convention and application of its principles drawing on the benefits of cooperation - Statement by Albania - Mr. Arduen Karagjozi, Albania _ 356272 _ English _ 773 _ 326889 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 6 - Increasing awareness of and accessionto the Convention and application of its principles drawing on the benefits of cooperation - Promoting and communicating the benefits of transboundary cooperation, and supporting the development of agreements and the establishment of joint bodies - Mr. Komlan Sangbana, Water Convention secretariat, UNECE _ 355659 _ English _ 773 _ 325320 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 6 - Increasing awareness of and accessionto the Convention and application of its principles drawing on the benefits of cooperation - Le projet de coopération transfrontière sur le Bassin Aquifère Sénégalo-Mauritanien - Mr. Hilario Sanha, Guinea Bissau _ 355660 _ French _ 780 _ 325321 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 6 - Increasing awareness of and accessionto the Convention and application of its principles drawing on the benefits of cooperation - Elections to the Implementation Committee - Ms. Iulia Trombitcaia, Water Convention secretariat, UNECE _ 355663 _ English _ 773 _ 325375 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 7 - Promoting an integrated and intersectoral approach to water management at all levels - Water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus in transboundary basins - Mr. Seppo Rekolainen, Finland and Ms. Annukka Lipponen, Water Convention secretariat, UNECE _ 355974 _ English _ 773 _ 326100 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 7 - Promoting an integrated and intersectoral approach to water management at all levels - European Union Water Initiative and National Policy Dialogues on IWRM - Mr. Alisher Mamadzhanov, Water Convention secretariat, UNECE _ 355667 _ English _ 773 _ 325379 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 7 - Promoting an integrated and intersectoral approach to water management at all levels - Supporting equitable and sustainable water allocation in a transboundary context - Mr. Peter Kovacs, Hungary _ 355680 _ English _ 773 _ 325393 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 8 - Supporting monitoring, assessment and information-sharing in transboundary basins - Outcomes of the Expert Meeting on Monitoring, Assessment and Data Exchange and its conclusions - Ms. Lea Kauppi, Finland _ 355670 _ English _ 773 _ 325383 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 8 - Supporting monitoring, assessment and information-sharing in transboundary basins - Outcomes of the Expert Meeting on Monitoring, Assessment and Data Exchange and its conclusions - Ms. Lea Kauppi, Finland _ 355670 _ French _ 780 _ 326562 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 8 - Supporting monitoring, assessment and information-sharing in transboundary basins - Outcomes of the Expert Meeting on Monitoring, Assessment and Data Exchange and its conclusions - Ms. Lea Kauppi, Finland _ 355670 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 326563 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 8 - Supporting monitoring, assessment and information-sharing in transboundary basins - Outcomes of the Expert Meeting on Monitoring, Assessment and Data Exchange and its conclusions - Ms. Lea Kauppi, Finland _ 355670 _ Russian _ 864 _ 326564 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 8 - Supporting monitoring, assessment and information-sharing in transboundary basins - Proposed activities in programme area 2 of the 2022-2024 programme of work and call for cooperation with partners - Mr. Niokhor Ndour, Senegal _ 355671 _ French _ 780 _ 325384 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 8 - Supporting monitoring, assessment and information-sharing in transboundary basins - Proposed activities in programme area 2 of the 2022-2024 programme of work and call for cooperation with partners - Mr. Niokhor Ndour, Senegal _ 355671 _ English _ 773 _ 326573 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 8 - Supporting monitoring, assessment and information-sharing in transboundary basins - Proposed activities in programme area 2 of the 2022-2024 programme of work and call for cooperation with partners - Mr. Niokhor Ndour, Senegal _ 355671 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 326575 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 8 - Supporting monitoring, assessment and information-sharing in transboundary basins - Proposed activities in programme area 2 of the 2022-2024 programme of work and call for cooperation with partners - Mr. Niokhor Ndour, Senegal _ 355671 _ Russian _ 864 _ 326576 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 8 - Supporting monitoring, assessment and information-sharing in transboundary basins - Statement by World Meteorological Organization - Mr. Michael Schwab, World Meteorological Organization _ 356274 _ English _ 773 _ 326891 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 9 - Reporting on Sustainable Development Goal indicator 6.5.2 and under the Convention - Update on SDG 6 Monitoring - Mr. Will Reidhead, UN-Water _ 355672 _ English _ 773 _ 325385 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 9 - Reporting on Sustainable Development Goal indicator 6.5.2 and under the Convention - Initial results of the 2020 data drive - Ms. Alice Aureli, UNESCO and Ms. Sarah Tiefenauer-Linardon, Water Convention secretariat, UNECE _ 355673 _ English _ 773 _ 325386 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 9 - Reporting on Sustainable Development Goal indicator 6.5.2 and under the Convention - Initial outcomes of the 2nd reporting exercise under the Water Convention and Development of the 2nd progress report - Ms. Sarah Tiefenauer-Linardon, Water Convention secretariat, UNECE _ 355676 _ English _ 773 _ 325389 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 9 - Reporting on Sustainable Development Goal indicator 6.5.2 and under the Convention - Proposal for a future on-line reporting system - Ms. Sarah Tiefenauer-Linardon, Water Convention secretariat, UNECE _ 355675 _ English _ 773 _ 325388 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 10 - Facilitating financing of transboundary water cooperation - Facilitating financing of transboundary water cooperation - Ms. Isabella Pagotto, Switzerland and Mr. Niels Vlaanderen, The Netherlands _ 356044 _ English _ 773 _ 326309 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 11 - Adapting to climate change in transboundary basins - Adapting to climate change in transboundary basins - Ms. Sibylle Vermont, Switzerland and Mr. Niels Vlaanderen, The Netherlands _ 355678 _ English _ 773 _ 325391 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 12 -Partnerships, communication and knowledge managemen - Activities of the Joint Expert Group on Water and Industrial Accidents - Mr. Peter Kovacs, Hungary _ 355668 _ English _ 773 _ 325380 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 12 -Partnerships, communication and knowledge management - Protocol on Water and Health: main developments since 2019 and cooperation with the Water Convention - Ms. Alena Drazdova, Belarus _ 355679 _ English _ 773 _ 325392 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 13 -International Water Assessment Centre - Progress in implementation of PoW for 2019-2021 and main directions of work for 2022-2024 - Ms. Zhanar Mautanova, IWAC _ 355669 _ English _ 773 _ 325381 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 14 - Financing of the Water Convention - Provisional report on contributions and expenditures in 2020 - Ms. Sonja Koeppel, Water Convention secretariat, UNECE _ 355681 _ English _ 773 _ 325394 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 14 - Financing of the Water Convention - Draft decision on targets for a more sustainable and predictable funding of the work under the Convention - Mr. Harry Liiv, Estonia _ 355682 _ English _ 773 _ 325395 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 15 - Future programme of work for 2022–2024 - Draft future Programme of Workfor 2022-2024 - Ms. Sonja Koeppel, Water Convention secretariat, UNECE _ 355686 _ English _ 773 _ 325398 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 15 - Future programme of work for 2022–2024 - Opportunities for gender mainstreaming in the programmeof work for 2022–2024 - Iulia Trombitcaia, Water Convention secretariat, UNECE _ 355684 _ English _ 773 _ 325396 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 16 - Preparation of the ninth session of the Meeting of the Parties - Ninth session of the Meeting of the Parties - Mr. Harry Liiv, Estonia _ 355688 _ English _ 773 _ 325400 _ pdf
10666 _ Item 17 - Possible hosting of the tenth session of the Meeting of the Parties - Proposal for a procedure for proposing to host future sessions of the MOP - Ms. Iulia Trombitcaia, Water Convention secretariat, UNECE _ 355689 _ English _ 773 _ 325401 _ pdf

List of Participants

11283 _ List of Participants _ 356039 _ English _ 773 _ 326277 _ pdf