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Workshop on transboundary water management in Central Asia

13 - 15 October 2010
Almaty Kazakhstan

A workshop on transboundary water management in Central Asia was held from 13 to 15 October 2010 in Almaty, Kazakhstan as part of the preparations of the second assessment of transboundary rivers, lakes and groundwaters under the Convention. The workshop was jointly organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the Ministry of Environment Protection of Kazakhstan, the International Water Assessment Centre (IWAC) hosted by the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute, and the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC). The press release on the event is available here.

The second Assessment is being prepared by sub-regions and work on Central Asia will focus on water bodies shared by Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, as well as the countries that share basins with those, which include Afghanistan, China, Islamic Republic of Iran, Mongolia, and the Russian Federation. At the workshop, more than 80 participants representing the concerned UNECE and non-UNECE States, international organizations and NGOs worked together to develop an accurate picture of all transboundary waters in the region - both surface and groundwaters - with the aim to monitor and bring positive changes to their management and lay the ground for strategic directions for future work under the Convention and in other political fora.



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Registration form


Logistical note (prepared by CAREC)


List of participants




Document Title ENG RUS

Opening Session

Session 1: Water quantity issues and water allocations


Situation with water allocation in Kazakhstan: Aral Sea, Chu-Talas and other examples, Mr. Amirkhan Kenshimov, UNDP, Kazakhstan


Water quantity issues in transboundary water cooperation of the Russian Federation in Central Asia, Ms. Olga Romanova, Deputy Director of Division of Water Resources and Water Management,, Federal Water Resources Agency, Russian Federation


Water Resources in Afghanistan: Panj-Amu & Harirod-Murghab River basins, Mr. Sultan Mahmood Mahmoodi, Ministry of Energy and Water, Afghanistan



Session 2: Water quality aspects, including impacts of hazardous waste storage, water reuse practices, monitoring and assessment of water quality and effects on human health


‘Water Quality in Central Asia” Project, Ms. Yekaterina Strikileva, CAREC


Monitoring and assessment of the water resources quality in the Republic of Uzbekistan, Mr. Muhammadi Mamanazarov, Head of the Main Department for the Control of Land and Water Resources of the State Committee for Nature Protection, Uzbekistan


Water quality in the Russian part of the Irtysh Basin, Mr. Sergey Kostarev, member of the Irtysh River Basin Board/Chairman, NGO, “Ecological Committee”



Session 3: Climate change and its impact on water resources


The current knowledge about climate change and its impact on water resources in Tajikistan, Mr. Anvar Kamolidinov, Senior researcher, Tajik branch of SIC ICWC, Tajikistan


Impact of climate change on water resources in Kyrgyzstan, Mr. Kydykbek Beishekeev, Acting Deputy Chairman/Ms. Ekaterina Sahvaeva, State Committee for Water Management and Reclamation, Kyrgyzstan


Climate Change Impact on the Water Resources of Uzbekistan, Ms. Natalya Agaltseva, Head of Transboundary Monitoring Department, Uzhydromet, Uzbekistan


Session 4: Legal and institutional aspects of transboundary water cooperation


Current instruments of transboundary water cooperation in the Aral Sea Basin and perspectives for improvement with the support of the Third Aral Sea Basin Programme, Mr. Kurbangeldy Ballyev, Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea, Representative of Turkmenistan


Transboundary water cooperation of Mongolia with the Russian Federation and China, Mr. Dorjsuren Dechinlkhundev, Secretary General, National Water Committee/Ts. Badrakh, Director, Government Agency-Water Authority, Mongolia



Cooperation of the Islamic Republic of Iran with co-riparian countries in Central Asian: challenges and solutions, Mr. Alireza Najafi, Head of Transboundary Water Research & Studying Center, Ministry of Energy, Islamic Republic of Iran



Statement of Afghanistan, Mr. Enayatullah Nabiel, Director-General of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Afghanistan



Session 5: The second Assessment of transboundary rivers, lakes and groundwaters in Central Asia


Second Assessment of Transboundary Rivers, Lakes and Groundwater – Central Asia, Mr. Boris Minarik, Director, IWAC/Ms. Annukka Lipponen, Water Convention Secretariat, UNECE



The assessment of Ramsar sites within the second Assessment of transboundary waters: cases from Central Asia,
Ms. Tatiana Minaeva, Wetlands International



Transboundary groundwaters in the second assessment:  assessment methodology and preliminary results of a UNESCO inventory of transboundary aquifers in Central Asia, Mr. Neno Kukuric, IGRAC & UNESCO - ISARM



Session 6: Land degradation, desertification and water-related ecosystems


Water Resources on transboundary river Ile, Prof. Zh.D. Dostai, Institute of Geography, Kazakhstan



Project on "Development of an integrated management plan of Ili-Balkhash basin", Mr. Iskandar Mirhashimov, CAREC


Development of a climate-resilient network of wetland protected areas for the Central Asian region, Ms. Tatiyana Minaeva, Wetlands International


Closing remarks by Mr. Enayatullah Nabiel, Director-General of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Afghanistan



Basin presentations held in break-out sessions


Programme of the parallel breakout sessions



Surface waters


Amudarya overview


Atrek River. Prof. Eldar Rustamov, National focal point, Ramsar Convention, Turkmenistan



Syrdarya - Arnasay, Mr. Michael Brombacher, BirdLife International



Tobol, Ishim, Mr. Michael Brombacher, BirdLife International



Chirchik, Mr. Ahmadjonov, Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, Uzbekistan


Surkhandarya, Mr. Ahmadjonov, Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, Uzbekistan


Chu-Talas, Mr. Takyrbashev/Ms.Sahvaeva, Kyrgyzstan


Lake Xingkai, Ms. Li Jiao, Beijing Forestry University, China



Argun River basin and Daurian wetlands, Ms. Tatiyana Minaeva, Wetlands International



Amur, Ussuri, Razdolnaya, Ob, Irtysh, Tobol Rivers, Ms. Olga Romanova, Russian Federation


Syrdarya, Ms. Sahvaeva, Kyrgyzstan




Transboundary groundwaters in Atrak and Qara-Qum basin, Mr. Ahmad Rajaei, Islamic Republic of Iran



Groundwaters of the Russian Federation shared with Central Asian countries, Mr. Spektor/Mr. Korolev, Russian Federation


State monitoring of groundwaters in Uzbekistan, Mr. Mavlonov/Mr. Abdullaev/Mr. Mavlyanov, Uzbekistan

Transboundary aquifers in Kazakhstan, Mr. Podolnyi, Hydrogeoecological Research and Design Company “KazHYDEC”   PDF

Cu, Mr. Podolnyi, Hydrogeoecological Research and Design Company “KazHYDEC”


Irtysh, Mr. Podolnyi, Hydrogeoecological Research and Design Company “KazHYDEC”


Sirdarja, Mr. Podolnyi, Hydrogeoecological Research and Design Company “KazHYDEC”