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Kick-off workshop "Towards a modern Strategic Environmental Assessment system (SEA) in Uzbekistan"

27 August 2018
Tashkent Uzbekistan

The Government of Uzbekistan requested the UNECE to provide support to caring out legislative review and provide recommendations on how to amend the existing legislative system in order to introduce the modern strategic environmental assessment (SEA) into its national legislation, in line with the provisions of the UNECE Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) to the Espoo Convention.

The objective of the workshop is to raise awareness of the representatives of environmental and sectoral authorities about the SEA benefits and its practical application, and to share the best practices of SEA application in the UNECE region and to facilitate a discussion on the way forward to development of modern SEA system in Uzbekistan. The workshop "Towards a modern Strategic Environmental Assessment System in Uzbekistan" is organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) in cooperation with the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan, the German Environment Agency (Advisory Assistance Programme) and the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Ecology and Environmental Protection.

The workshop was attended by representatives of all relevant stakeholders - government officials from environmental, health and sectoral authorities of Uzbekistan, spectral governmental authorities, planning agencies and institutes, academics and practitioners, as well as representatives of NGOs.

This project is funded by the German Federal Environment Ministry's Advisory Assistance Programme (AAP) for environmental protection in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia and other countries neighboring the European Union. It is supervised by the German Environment Agency. The responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors.


Agenda ENG RUS
List of participants ENG RUS
Report ENG  
Concept of SEA, UNECE SEA Protocol and other international standards
Jerzy Jendroska, international key legal expert
Role of SEA in development control and the role of authorities and other actors
Jerzy Jendroska, international key legal expert
Field of application: strategic documents covered by SEA scheme
Jerzy Jendroska, international key legal expert
Scoping and SEA Report
Jerzy Jendroska, international key legal expert
Public participation and consultations
Jerzy Jendroska, international key legal expert
Transboundary procedures under SEA Protocol
Jerzy Jendroska, international key legal expert 
Adoption of the strategic document and monitoring
Jerzy Jendroska, international key legal expert
Background materials     
Graph Planning SEA ENG