The workshop was held in Baku on 21-22 April 2021 (postponed from 15-16 April 2020 due to COVID-19). The purpose of the workshop was to discuss the mechanisms of integration of vocational education and training with education for sustainable development by organizing a cross-sectoral dialogue of key stakeholders in order to look for opportunities for reorientation of the VET system for promoting the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the development of relevant ESD competencies of educators in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Capacity Building Workshop on Implementing UNECE Strategy for ESD
21 - 22 April 2021
Baku Azerbaijan
Program of the workshop
11287 _ Program of the workshop _ 356151 _ English _ 773 _ 326493 _ pdf
11288 _ Presentation of the current situation of TVET in Azerbaijan, Mr. Zaur Aliyev, Head of Educational Standards and Recourses department at the State Agency on Vocational Education _ 356152 _ English _ 773 _ 326494 _ ppt
11288 _ Keynote 1: TVET in Switzerland, Dr. Frederic Berthoud, Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) _ 356153 _ English _ 773 _ 326495 _ pptx
11288 _ Keynote 3: About Transitions: TVET as motor for economy and for change, learning for tomorrow and learning for the future, Mr. Roel van Raaij _ 356154 _ English _ 773 _ 326496 _ pdf
11288 _ Keynote 4: A rounder Sense of Purpose: Educators competencies to enhance ESD for TVET, Dr. Paul Vare _ 356155 _ English _ 773 _ 326497 _ pptx
Presentation of UNECE Strategy, TVET and SDGs: objectives and way forward
11455 _ Mrs. Nona Iliukhina – UNECE secretariat for ESD _ 356156 _ English _ 773 _ 326498 _ pptx
11455 _ Dr. Aravella Zachariou, Chair of UNECE Steering Committee on ESD _ 356157 _ English _ 773 _ 326499 _ ppt
Experiences from previous workshops
11456 _ Kyrgyzstan: Ms. Zyldyz Duishenova _ 356158 _ English _ 773 _ 326500 _ pptx
11456 _ Belarus: Ms. Oksana Popova _ 356159 _ English _ 773 _ 326501 _ pptx
11456 _ Georgia: Ms. Manana Ratiani _ 356160 _ English _ 773 _ 326502 _ pptx
Presentation of answers from the Questionnaire
11457 _ Dr. Paul Vare _ 356162 _ English _ 773 _ 326504 _ pptx
Recommendations for Azerbaijan
11458 _ Draft recommentdations for Azerbaijan _ 356163 _ English _ 773 _ 326505 _ ppt