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ACCC/C/2021/185 United Kingdom

Case status: Inadmissible.
Topics: Public participation.
Articles alleged: 6; 7.
Articles considered by the Committee:
Articles, if any, found in non-compliance:
Summary: The communication was submitted to the Compliance Committee on 28 February 2021 by Mr. Brad Blitz, a member of the public. The communication alleged the violation of articles 6 and 7 of the Convention with respect to public participation in the decision-making on the proposed development of the Hendon Hub.

Document Status Date received or
posted by the secretariat
Annex 1a: Local Government Act 1972
Annex 1b: Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 
Annex 1c: Environmental Information Regulations 2004
Annex 1d: The LGA document, LGA Conversations – New Guide to Engagement 
Annex 1e: The HM Code of Practice on Consultation 
Annex 1f: R v Brent London Borough Council, ex p Gunning, (1985) 84 LGR 168 
Annex 1g: R v North and East Devon Health Authority ex parte Coughlan [2001] QB 213 [108] 
Annex 1h: R (oao) Moseley v Haringey LBC [2014] UKSC 56 
Annex 1i: Flaxby Park Ltd v Harrogate Borough Council [2020] EWHC 3204, 25.11.2020
From the communicant 28.02.2021
Annex 2a: Draft Local Plan
Annex 2b: Outline Business Case for Hendon Hub 
Annex 2c: T. Mason email to Strategic Planning and Resources Committee 08.12.2020 
Annex 2d: LB Barnet Council Minutes of Meeting of Strategic Planning and Resources Committee 08.12.2020 
Annex 2f: T. Mason email to neighbours, 26.12.2020
Annex 2g: LB Barnet document – Hendon: the Burroughs and Middlesex University Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) 
Annex 2h: LB Barnet Transport Survey

Annex 2i: Chat record of SPD consultation, 21.01.2021 
Annex 2i.i: LB Barnet SPD slides for public meetings
Annex 2j: Email from Hendon resident S. Simmons to LB Barnet officer N. Thomson, 02.02 2021 
Annex 2k: Email from Hendon business owner R. Glazer to LB Barnet officer N. Thomson, 05.02.21

Annex 2l: Email from T. Mason to J. Hill at LB Barnet, 28.01.2021 
Annex 2m: Email from H. Blitz to G. Proudler, 02.02.2021


Annex 2n: Signatures & comments sent to G. Proudler, 02.02.2021 
Annex 2o: Email from LB Barnet officer N. Lynch 
Annex 2p: Email from Prof. B. Blitz to J. Hooton, 06.02.2021 

Annex 2q: Letter from Prof. B. Blitz to Monitoring Officer, 06.02.2021

Annex 2r: Proof of complaint to Information Commissioner’s Office sent to Prof. B. Blitz, 06.02.2021 
Annex 2s: Email from V. Blyth to Prof. B. Blitz
Annex 2t: Letter from Prof. N. Beech, to H. Blitz, 09.02.2021 


Annex 2u: Email from Prof. B. Blitz to LB Barnet Councillors, 12.02.2021 
Annex 2v: Email from L. Law, and email to J. Hooton, 15.02.2021 
Annex 2w: Email from Prof. N. Beech to H. Blitz, 18.02.2021 
Annex 2x: LB Barnet launch of Hendon hub online
Annex 2y: LB Barnet flyer announcing launch of Hendon hub 
Annex 2z: LB Barnet development ‘boards’ for Hendon
Annex 2a.a: Email from T. Mason to Prof. B. Blitz, 28.02.2021

Annex 3: 1972 Local Government Act Schedule 12A    
Annex 4: Summary of Selected UK Domestic Law, Regulations and Decisions    
Annex 5:Correspondence with ward councillor    
Comments on preliminary admissibility
Annex 1: National Planning Policy Framework
Annex 2a: Town and Country Planning (England) Regulations no. 767/2012
Annex 2b: The Town and Country Planning (England)(Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations no. 731/2020 
Annex 2c: The Town and Country Planning (England)(Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations no. 1398/2020 
Annex 3:  Flowchart of sustainability appraisal process
Annex 4a: The Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations no.1633/2004
Annex 4b: The Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations no.734/2020
Annex 4c: The Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes(Amendment) Regulations no. 1531/2020
Annex 5:  Barnet Draft Local Plan (Reg. 18), January 2020
Annex 6:  Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004
Annex 7:  The Burroughs and Middlesex University Planning Framework
Annex 8a: The Town and Country Planning (England) (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations no. 505/2020
Annex 8b: The Town and Country Planning, Regulations no. 1398/2020
Annex 9:  The Environmental Information Regulations 2004, no. 3391/2004 
From the Party concerned 01.04.2021
Statement on preliminary admissibility From the communicant 05.04.2021
Revised statement on preliminary admissibility From the communicant 07.04.2021
Letter with Committee's determination regarding admissibility From the secretariat 10.05.2021
Request for a reconsideration of Committee’s determination of inadmissibility From the communicant 21.05.2021
Decision by Chair and Vice Chairs that the Committee’s determination of inadmissibility will stand From the secretariat 07.07.2021