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Launching the Decade of Action for Road Safety in the UNECE region

The conference marking the official launch of the Decade of Action (2011-2020) for Road Safety in the UNECE region opened today in Belgrade. The conference is examining the critical road safety issues that need to be addressed in the UNECE region during the upcoming decade, and the role of lead road safety agencies in this process.
“Improving road safety is vital for society and a top priority of the United Nations. UNECE attaches great weight to this effort and has ambitious plans for a series of road safety activities. We need to educate the public, raise awareness, induce action and create a dynamic if we want to see effective responses”, said Jan Kubis, UNECE Executive Secretary, at the opening of the conference.
Ivica Dacic, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior of Serbia, also addressed participants at the opening and stated that "The government of Serbia will not relent in its pursuit to enforce road safety traffic laws and penalize those who choose to put the lives of others at risk. Ministries of the interior, infrastructure, education and road traffic safety are coordinating efforts to continue to enhance road safety in Serbia."
Ministers from Belarus, Greece, the Russian Federation and Serbia also made opening statements. The conference, hosted by the Ministries of the Interior and of Infrastructure of Serbia, and Serbia’s Road Traffic Safety Agency, is attended by more that 100 participants from the public and private sectors,International and Regional Organizations, NGOs, and academics who will exchange views and best practices on comprehensive national programs and policies that are implemented or planned, as well as about the social, economic development and health impacts associated with road traffic safety.
The Conference is expected to contribute towards the implementation of the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety through substantive discussions on the global plan of action for road safety and the ongoing plans and initiatives related to its pillars:
  • road safety management;
  • safer roads and mobility;
  • safer vehicles;                                      
  • safer road users
  • post crash response

The film prepared by UNECE, with the participation of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, to highlight road safety challenges and initiatives was presented at the opening of the conference and was welcomed by participants.  
To watch the film, visit UNECE’s YouTube channel at:
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Or contact the UNECE Transport Division
Phone: +41 (0)22 917 1837
Email: [email protected]
Note to editors:
United Nations General Assembly resolution 64/255 of March 2010, proclaimed the period 2011-2020 as the Decade of Action for Road Safety with a goal to reduce the level of road fatalities around the world by increasing activities at national, regional and global levels. General Assembly Resolution 64/255 called on Member States to implement road safety activities and invited them to set their own road traffic casualty reduction targets while fostering a multi-sectoral collaboration. The global launch of the Decade is scheduled for 11 May 2011.
UNECE pioneered road safety activities in the United Nations system 60 years ago. As the only United Nations intergovernmental body concerned with road safety, it focuses its work on improving road safety through developing and updating legal instruments in the areas such as traffic rules, manufacturing and technical inspection of vehicles and transport of dangerous goods. The UNECE legal instruments assist in developing coherent and safe pan-European road networks, harmonizing traffic rules, producing safer and cleaner road vehicles, reducing the risks associated with moving dangerous goods as well as ensuring safe vehicles and competent drivers.
Ref: ECE/TRANS/11/P08

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