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​​​​(WP.5/GE.3) Group of Experts on Assessment of Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation for Inland Transport (27th session)

01 October (10:00) - 02 October (18:00) 2024
Geneva Switzerland


64327 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.5/GE.3/53 - Annotated provisional agenda for the twenty-seventh session _ 392985 _ English _ 773 _ 417341 _ pdf

Informal documents

64328 _ Informal document WP.5/GE.3 (2024) No. 4 - Draft chapter II - Policies and legislation for acting on adaptation of climate change in transport _ 394782 _ English _ 773 _ 422017 _ pdf
64328 _ Informal document WP.5/GE.3 (2024) No. 5 - Draft chapter III - Methodologies for assessing impacts of climate change hazards on transport systems _ 394719 _ English _ 773 _ 421871 _ pdf
64328 _ Informal document WP.5/GE.3 (2024) No. 6 - Draft chapter IV - Effective adaptation of transport systems and assets to the changing climate _ 394780 _ English _ 773 _ 422011 _ pdf
64328 _ Informal document WP.5/GE.3 (2024) No. 7 - Outline for section II, chapter on Climate Variability and Change – observed changes and projected trends [Work in progress] _ 394720 _ English _ 773 _ 421872 _ pdf
64328 _ Informal document WP.5/GE.3 (2024) No. 8 - Case study: West Midlands Transport Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment _ 395006 _ English _ 773 _ 422572 _ pdf
64328 _ Informal document WP.5/GE.3 (2024) No. 9 - Case study: Climate Change Resilience Plan for Infrastructures _ 395008 _ English _ 773 _ 422574 _ pdf

