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Thematic discussion on the critical role of inland transport in accelerating climate change mitigation

Agenda item 5 (b)

06 September 2023 10:00 - 13:00
Room VIII, Palais des Nations: in-person and hybrid Geneva Switzerland

Held in the framework of the thirty-sixth session of the Working Party on Transport Trends and Economics (WP.5, 4-6 September 2023)

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I.                    INTRODUCTION

This thematic discussion held in the framework of Working Party on Transport Trends and Economics (WP.5) (agenda item 5 “Transport and climate change”) focuses on the critical role of inland transport in accelerating climate change mitigation.  It is expected to feed into the ongoing development of an ambitious strategy document and action plan with milestones for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the inland transport sector, as requested by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Inland Transport Committee (ITC) at its eighty-fifth plenary session in February of this year. A concept note is available in informal document WP.5 (2023) No. 6.



In preparation of the discussion, the secretariat invites you to consider the following guiding questions to facilitate a fruitful exchange during the session:

  • What are the main challenges and obstacles for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the inland transport sector (road, rail and inland waterways)?
  • Which opportunities can be identified for reducing greenhouse gas emissions for climate change mitigation in the inland transport sector?
  • Based on the draft outline of the Strategy (see Annex), which essential elements should – from your point of view – be included in the ITC climate change mitigation strategy and its accompanying action plan?
  • How can Member States, non-governmental bodies and the private sector be encouraged to take further ambitious actions necessary for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the inland transport sector to meet the goal of the Paris Agreement of pursuing efforts to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius?


 III.               DRAFT PROGRAMME

10:00-10:45 - Introductory session

Moderator: Ms. Els de Wit, Chair, Working Party on Transport Trends and Economics (WP.5), Netherlands

  • Ms. Franziska Hirsch, Secretary, Inland Transport Committee, Sustainable Transport Division, UNECE
  • Mr. Francois Cuenot, Secretary to the Working Party on Pollution and Energy (WP.29/GRPE), UNECE

10:45 – 11:45 – Tour-de-table – Proposals by UNECE Member States on how to achieve net zero emissions from the inland transport sector by 2050 and the role of the Inland Transport Committee in this regard

  • Interventions from the floor

11:45 – 12:45 – Tour-de-table – Proposals by non-governmental bodies, private sector and academia on how to achieve net zero emissions from the inland transport sector by 2050 and the role of the Inland Transport Committee in this regard

  • Interventions from the floor


12:45 – 13:00 – Wrap-up and next steps by WP.5 Chair/ and secretariat