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SITCIN Regional Outreach Event for the South East Europe Region

21 December 2021 9:00 - 12:00



Sustainable Inland Transport Connectivity Indicators – Understanding the performance of your road, rail, inland waterway, and inter-modal transport systems

South East Europe Regional Transport Connectivity Outreach Event

21 December 2021*

9:00 – 12:00 CET 

Geneva/ Belgrade (KUDO WebPlatform)

Simultaneous interpretation: English/ Serbian 

*Starting time: 9.00 AM CET/ 10.00 AM Sofia/ Skopje/ Bucharest time


The Sustainable Inland Transport Connectivity Indicators (SITCIN) developed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe with the support of its sister UN Regional Commissions ESCWA and ECLAC provide a new and innovative inland transport sector assessment tool, a detailed set of analytical indicators developed to enable Governments to measure the performance and efficiency of their inland transport system across the road, rail, inland waterways, and inter-modal transport subsectors. The main objective of the indicators, which have been tested and validated in the context of five pilot countries, (including Kazakhstan, Georgia, Serbia, Paraguay and Jordan) is to offer a tool to Governments to measure and qualify their degree of transport connectivity, both domestically and bilaterally/sub-regionally as well as in terms of soft and hard infrastructure. The indicators also offer Governments the possibility to measure the extent to which they implement the relevant UN legal instruments, agreements, and conventions and the degree to which their inland transport systems are inter-operable with the systems within their respective (sub-)regions.

A detailed description of the SITCIN is available in document ECE/TRANS/WP.5/2021/8 and document ECE/TRANS/WP.5/2021/8/Add.1.  

II.         AUDIENCE

This outreach event has been designed to familiarize officials from Ministries in charge of transport, customs and border management from the broader South East Europe and adjacent regions with the SITCIN tool and to offer a platform to exchange ideas and views on how this tool could potentially be deployed to monitor transport connectivity in the region, including along specific transport corridors.






Only registered participants will receive the KUDO weblink for participation. In case you face any issues with the registration process please contact Mrs. Maria Mostovets at