The UNECE Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies (WP.6) is a forum for dialogue among regulators and policy makers. Participants discuss, make recommendations and develop best practice on a wide range of issues, including:
The Working Party meets annually and throughout the year activities take place through its subsidiary bodies:
- The Advisory Group on Market Surveillance (MARS Group)
- The START Group and its Sectoral Initiatives develop common regulatory frameworks in specific sectors:
° Telecom (SIT)
° Earth-moving Machinery (SIEMM)
° Equipment for Explosive Environments (SIEEE)
° Cybersecurity (SIC)
° Pipeline Safety (SIPS)
- The Advisory Group on Market Surveillance (MARS Group)
- The START Group and its Sectoral Initiatives develop common regulatory frameworks in specific sectors:
- The Group of Experts on Risk Management
- The START initiative on Education on Standardization
Additionally the Working Party advocates for the use of international standards:
- as the basis for sound regulatory systems, driven by risk management processes to ensure that products’ are safe, organizations’ processes are stable and consumers are protected from hazards
- for the achievement the Sustainable Development Goals DGs
- in the context of Aid for Trade
- to manage the risk of natural and man-made disasters
- by developing and maintaining the UNECE Portal on Standards for the SDGs allowing users to quickly identify standards that support the goals and targets of Agenda 2030
Explanatory poster / Roll-up: A common platform to discuss how standards and regulations can contribute to the SDGs |
Get involved in the work of the Working Party 6
The main stakeholders in our meetings and in the development of the recommendations are:
- governmental authorities
- intergovernmental organizations
- business associations and private firms
- standards-setting organizations
- certification bodies
- test houses
- international schemes for conformity assessment
- civil society
- consumer organizations
You are welcome to join as a representative of your county or your organization, please contact the Secretary of the Working Party for further details.
Working Party 6: Past Achievements
Some of the Working Party’s past activities completed for download:
- Recommendations (ENG, FRE, RUS)
- Terms of Reference of the Working Party (ENG, FRE, RUS)
- Regulatory cooperation at UNECE (Brochure in ENG, FRE, RUS)
For general enquiries about activities and forthcoming events, contact: Secretary of the Working Party.