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Workshop on Waste Statistics

11 - 13 April 2012
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland
Document Title
Documents Presentations
INF.1 Information Note DOC DOC    
  Provisional agenda PDF PDF    
  Timetable PDF PDF    
  Report of the meeting PDF PDF    
Waste questionnaire / Вопросник по отходам
  Albania PDF      
  Armenia   PDF    
  Azerbaijan   PDF    
  Belarus   PDF    
  Bosnia and Herzegovina PDF      
  Georgia PDF      
  Kazakhstan   PDF    
  Kyrgyzstan   PDF    
  Montenegro PDF      
  Republic of Moldova   PDF    
  Russian Federation   PDF    
  Serbia PDF      
  Tajikistan   PDF    
  The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia PDF      
  Ukraine   PDF    
  Uzbekistan   PDF    
Background documents
  UN Statistics Division (UNSD)        
  UNSD questionnaire on environment statistics/Section: Waste PDF PDF    
  European Neighbourhood Partnership Instrument (Eastern Region)        
  Waste classification approach (ENPI EAST) PDF      
  Instructions on recording and submission of waste and waste management data and information (ENPI EAST) PDF      
  Review of waste classification procedures (ENPI EAST) - full paper PDF      
  Review of waste classification procedures (ENPI EAST) - executive summary   PDF    
  Review of waste classification procedures (ENPI EAST) - extract PDF PDF    
  Basel Convention        
  Basel convention Article 1 and Annexes PDF      
  EU legislation        
  European List of Wastes PDF PDF    
  European Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC PDF      
  Manual on Waste Statistics (currently under revision) PDF      
  Supplement to the Manual on Waste Statistics PDF      
  Waste Statistics Regulation - Regulation 2150/2002/EC PDF      
  Waste Statistics Regulation - Regulation (EU) No 849/2010 amending Regulation 2150/2002/EC PDF      
  Waste Statistics Regulation - Overview of the changes in Annexes I and II of Regulation 2150/2002/EC as amended by Regulation (EU) No 849/2010 PDF      
  European Waste Shipment Regulation No 1013/2006 PDF      
  System of classification and labelling of chemicals PDF      
  Municipal Waste Management in Accession Countries (Eurostat) PDF      
  International Energy Agency        
  Energy statistics manual PDF PDF    
Conversion coefficients
  Example from Estonia PDF PDF    
  Example from Germany (Bavaria) PDF PDF    
  Example from the Netherlands (conversion factors m3 -> kg) PDF PDF    
  Session 1. Trends in waste generation and management in Europe - EEA     PDF PDF
  Session 1. Country experience, industrial waste - UK DEFRA     PDF PDF
  Session 1. UNSD Questionnaire - Generation of waste by economic activities     PDF PDF
  Session 1. European waste statistics - Eurostat     PDF PDF
  Session 2. Country experience, municipal waste - UK DEFRA     PDF PDF
  Session 2. UNSD Questionnaire - Municipal waste generation and management     PDF PDF
  Session 2. Municipal waste statistics - Eurostat     PDF PDF
  Session 3. Country experience - Croatia     PDF PDF
  Session 3. Country experience - Russian Federation     PDF PDF
  Session 3. UNECE Questionnaire Table 1 and 2a - Summary     PDF PDF
  Session 4. Transboundary movement of hazardous waste - Basel Convention     PDF PDF
  Session 4. Transboundary shipments/Data based on EWL - European Topic Center     PDF PDF
  Session 4. Hazardous waste - Statistics Netherlands     PDF PDF
  Session 4. UNSD Questionnaire - Methodology for calculating hazardous waste     PDF PDF
  Session 5. European waste classification - UK Environment Agency     PDF PDF
  Session 5. Waste classification approaches - ENPI East     PDF PDF
  Session 5. Country experience - Ukraine      PDF PDF
  Session 6. Country experience - Kyrgyzstan     PDF PDF
  Session 6. Country experience - Belarus     PDF PDF
  Session 6. UNECE Questionnaire Table 2b and 3 - Summary     PDF PDF
  Session 7. Renewables and Waste - International Energy Agency     PDF PDF
  Session 7. Treatment of waste - Statistics Netherlands     PDF PDF
  Session 7. UNSD Questionnaire - Conceptual issues on waste reuse and recycling     PDF PDF
  Session 8. Summary of key issues and challenges in the region     PDF PDF