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Workshop on Population and Housing Censuses

24 - 25 September 2018
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland
  Document Title







  Tentative Timetable PDF PDF -- --
  Information Note PDF -- -- --
  Report PDF PDF    
Session 1 - Overview of 2020 census round in the CIS region
  Population census of the 2020 round: new opportunities for the CIS region (CIS-Stat)     PDF PDF
Session 2 - National presentations on preparations for the next censuses of the 2020 round
  Armenia - Preparations for the Population Census of 2020     PDF PDF
  Azerbaijan - The Population Census of the 2020 census round     PDF PDF
  Georgia - Tentative plans for the 2020 census round     PDF PDF
  Belarus - New approaches in the process of preparing and conducting the Population Census in 2019 PDF PDF PDF PDF
  Belarus - Country's experiences and preparation for upcoming census     PDF PDF
  Kazakhstan - Population Census 2019     PDF PDF
  Kazakhstan - Results of the pilot census and preparation for the upcoming 2019 Census     PDF PDF
  Kyrgyzstan - On the progress and preparations for the population and housing census round 2020     PDF PDF
  Republic of Moldova - General overview of 2020 round of the Population and Housing Census     PDF  
  Russian Federation - About the 2018 pilot population census     PDF PDF
  Russian Federation - On the practical implementation of a combined population census using the Internet and traditional data collection     PDF PDF
  Tajikistan - Use of IT in the 2020 Population Census     PDF PDF
  Turkmenistan - Population Census 2022     PDF PDF
  Ukraine - Preparations for the Census of 2020     PDF PDF
Session 3 - Use of census data for monitoring SDG indicators
  Use of census data for monitoring SDG indicators (CIS-Stat)     PDF PDF
Session 4 - Main results of UNECE survey on future censuses beyond 2020
  Main results of UNECE survey on future censuses beyond 2020 (UNECE)     PDF PDF
Session 5 - Work plan for future activities to support the 2020 census round
  Work plan by CIS-Stat     PDF