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Group of Experts on Measuring Poverty and Inequality

28 - 29 November 2024
Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland


68812 _ Timetable _ 396840 _ English _ 773 _ 427958 _ pdf
68812 _ Timetable _ 396840 _ Russian _ 864 _ 427949 _ pdf
68812 _ Call for Contributions _ 396072 _ English _ 773 _ 425852 _ pdf
68812 _ Logistical Information Note _ 396074 _ English _ 773 _ 425854 _ pdf

A. Social policies, social transfers, and data

69209 _ SUMMARY - Impact of social transfers on poverty – Case of Albania from SILC (Albania) _ 396682 _ English _ 773 _ 427028 _ pdf
69209 _ SUMMARY - Income instability and economic insecurity in European OECD countries (OECD) _ 396841 _ English _ 773 _ 427454 _ pdf

C. Assets-based poverty and inequality

68813 _ SUMMARY - Measuring assets-based poverty in Finland (Finland) _ 396142 _ English _ 773 _ 425971 _ pdf
68813 _ Presentation - Asset-based poverty in Finland, Veli-Matti Törmälehto (Finland) _ 396943 _ English _ 773 _ 427612 _ pdf
68813 _ Presentation - New indicators on over-indebtedness in Switzerland, Martina Guggisberg (Switzerland) _ 396946 _ English _ 773 _ 427614 _ pdf
68813 _ SUMMARY - Revised National Poverty Threshold in the Netherlands (Netherlands) _ 396143 _ English _ 773 _ 425972 _ pdf
68813 _ Presentation - Revised National Poverty Threshold in the Netherlands, Eveline Vandewal (Netherlands) _ 396944 _ English _ 773 _ 427613 _ pdf

E. Energy poverty

68815 _ SUMMARY - EU-SILC data for monitoring of the energy poverty in the EU (Eurostat) _ 396152 _ English _ 773 _ 425982 _ pdf
68815 _ Presentation - Energy poverty, Emilio Di Meglio (Eurostat) _ 397107 _ English _ 773 _ 427959 _ pdf
68815 _ SUMMARY - Dimensions of energy poverty in Austria (Austria) _ 396150 _ English _ 773 _ 425980 _ pdf
68815 _ PAPER - Dimensions of energy poverty in Austria (Austria) _ 396151 _ English _ 773 _ 426478 _ pdf
68815 _ Presentation - Dimensions of Energy Poverty in Austria, Nadja Lamei (Austria) _ 396848 _ English _ 773 _ 427363 _ pdf
68815 _ Presentation - Discussant's reflections, Federico Polidoro (World Bank) _ 397284 _ English _ 773 _ 428335 _ pdf

G. Hard-to-reach population groups

69289 _ SUMMARY - Changing homes, changing lives: A study on Roma housing transitions (Italy) _ 396694 _ English _ 773 _ 427047 _ pdf

H. Panel discussion – Drivers for change in poverty statistics

J. Work under the Conference of European Statisticians

69213 _ PAPER - Final report of the UNECE Task team on social cohesion _ 396649 _ English _ 773 _ 426965 _ pdf