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Joint Task Force on Environmental Statistics and Indicators

28 - 29 October 2019
Palais des Natons Geneva Switzerland
Document Title
Documents Presentations
  Annotated provisional agenda for the sixteenth session ENG   RUS      
  Provisional Programme ENG   RUS      
  Report of the 16th session ENG   RUS      
  Report of the fifteenth Joint Task Force on Environmental Statistics and Indicators PDF   PDF      
  Assessment framework of the Shared Environmental Information System ENG   RUS      
  Amendment of the Guidelines for the Application of Environmental Indicators ENG   RUS      
Agenda item 3 - Implementation of the decisions and recommendations of the 15th session of the JTF 
   - Outcome of the 15th session of the JTF       ENG    
Agenda item 4 - On-going developments with relevance for the work of the JTF
   - New SEIS assessment framework and final SEIS review       ENG   RUS
   - Concept note for Pan-European Environmental Assessment ENG          
   - System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA)       ENG   RUS
   - Updates on the UNECE/CES Task Force on Waste Statistics        ENG   RUS
   - E-waste Regional Monitor (United Nations University & UNITAR)       ENG   RUS
   - Draft publication for commenting "Progress in establishing a Shared Environment Information System in Europe and Central Asia" ENG   --      
   - Update on the work of the Expert Group on Environment Statistics (UNSD)       ENG    
   - Update of activities on environmental indicators at the European Environment Agency (EEA)       ENG    
    - OECD update on the development and use of green growth indicators       ENG   RUS
    - Report of the 2019 Expert Forum for producers and users of climate change-related statistics (UNECE)       ENG   RUS
Agenda item 5 - Review of the Guidelines for the Application of Environmental Indicators
   - Catalog of environmental indicators of the Republic of Azerbaijan       --   RUS
   - Introduction to the work and revised structure of the indicator metadata (UNECE)       ENG   RUS
   - A1: Emissions of pollutants and A2 - Ambient air quality (UNECE)        ENG   RUS
   Indicator C: Water (UNECE)       ENG   RUS
   - Compilation of environmental protection expenditures account (EPEA) (Kazakhstan)       ENG   RUS
   - A1: Country experiences and suggestions for improving the metadata (Bosnia & Herzegovina)       ENG   --
   - Recent amendments and results of the UNSD/UNEP Questionnaire on Environment Statistics - waste section        ENG   --
    - Developing Water Indicator Templates: Specifications and Assessments (Armenia)       ENG   --
   Indicator I: Waste (UNECE and United Nations University)        ENG   --
   - Country experiences and suggestions (Ukraine)       --   RUS
   - J1: Compilation of environmental protection expenditures account (Kazakhstan)         ENG   RUS
Agenda item 6 - Ongoing and planned capacity-development activities
   - Overview of recent capacity-development activities by UNECE and UNEP       ENG    
   - Joint Workshop on environmental and economic well-being SDG indicators (Uzbekistan)       --   RUS