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Joint Statistics Canada / UNECE online seminar on measuring circular economy: The stats we need and how to get them

14 December 2021

Concept Note, Programme and Report

20126 _ Concept Note _ 361903 _ English _ 773 _ 341584 _ pdf
20126 _ Provisional Programme _ 363313 _ English _ 773 _ 344083 _ pdf
20126 _ Report of the Seminar _ 364957 _ English _ 773 _ 347753 _ pdf
20126 _ Report of the Seminar _ 364957 _ French _ 780 _ 347754 _ pdf

Session 1 - What statistics do we need?

22026 _ Presentation - Baselining for a Circular Toronto (City of Toronto) _ 363481 _ English _ 773 _ 344249 _ pdf
22026 _ Presentation - Integral Circular Economy Report ICER 2021 (Netherlands) _ 363315 _ English _ 773 _ 344312 _ pdf
22026 _ Presentation - Measuring circularity at a company level (DSM) _ 363331 _ English _ 773 _ 343971 _ pdf

Session 2 - How to get the statistics

22027 _ Presentation - Eurostat's approach to get material footprint data for EU Member States (Eurostat) _ 363316 _ English _ 773 _ 344250 _ pdf
22027 _ Presentation - Statistical Information for Circular Economy in Colombia (DANE) _ 363482 _ English _ 773 _ 344251 _ pdf
22027 _ Presentation - Piecing together a physical flow account for plastic material (Statistics Canada) _ 363398 _ English _ 773 _ 344378 _ pdf