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CES plenary session seminar on population and housing censuses

06 June 2012
Paris France


Document Title
Documents Presentations
Session 1: 2010/2011 round of censuses – innovations and lessons learned        
  Opening and presentation by session organizer - Italy (A. Mancini)       PPT VIDEO
  Discussion (interventions in English or Russian)       VIDEO
20 Challenges in the transition from traditional to register – based census in Austria (Austria) PDF      
21 Changes in the Canadian census of population (Canada) PDF PDF PDF  
22 Lessons learned from use of registers and geocoded databases in population and housing census (Italy) PDF PDF PDF  
30 2011 register-based census in Slovenia - lessons learned (Slovenia) PDF      
31 The 2011 Census in the Czech Republic as a new experience    (Czech Republic) PDF      
32 Population and Housing Census in Latvia - innovations and lessons learned (Latvia) PDF      
33 Population and Housing Census: A review of member countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States PDF   PDF  
34 Scope and optimization of Population and Housing Census: the case of Mexico (Mexico) PDF      
35 Lessons learned from the Population and Housing Census in Poland (Poland) PDF      
36 A general approach to the importance and use of registers in the Spanish census (Spain) PDF      
37 Lessons learned from a mixed-mode census for the future of social statistics (Germany) PDF      
38 The 2010 Brazilian population census: innovations and lessons learned (Brazil) PDF      
41 Census 2011 in Bulgaria (Bulgaria) PDF      
42/Rev.1 Overview of the 2010 round of population and housing censuses in the UNECE region (UNECE) PDF      
55 The Swiss Census System: a comprehensive system of household and person statistics (Switzerland) PDF      
56 New technologies adopted in the Albanian Population and Housing Census (Albania) PDF      
Lunch session: case studies of census taking        
  Challenges in the transition from traditional to register- based census in Austria (Austria)       PPT VIDEO
  Lesson learned from use of registers and geocoded databases in population and housing census (Italy)       PPT VIDEO
  Towards a new paradigm of continuous use of registers and geocoded databases (Italy)       PPT
  A census is a census is a census ? (Eurostat)       PPT VIDEO
  The Beyond 2011 Programme (United Kingdom)       PPT VIDEO
  Population Census in Russia: experience and challenges (Russian Federation)       PPT VIDEO
  Changes in the Canadian Census of Population Program (Canada)       PPT VIDEO
  Discussion       VIDEO
Session II: The future of censuses and their role for national statistics systems       PPT
  Opening and presentation by session organizer - CIS-Stat (I. Zbarskaya)       VIDEO
  Discussion (interventions in English or Russian)       VIDEO
23 Experience and prospects of carrying out the population censuses in Russia (Russian Federation) PDF PDF PDF  
24 Beyond 2011 – the future of population statistics? (United Kingdom) PDF PDF PDF  
25 A census is a census is a census ? (EUROSTAT) PDF      
39 Implementing a register-based census - the Portuguese experience (Portugal) PDF      
40 Towards a new paradigm of continuous use of registers and geocoded databases (Italy) PDF      
53 The integrated rolling census in Israel (Israel) PDF      
54 Strategic direction for the New Zealand Census of Population and Dwellings (New Zealand) PDF      
Session III: Conclusions and follow-up activities       VIDEO