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Workshop on Statistical Data Collection

03 - 05 October 2016
The Hague Netherlands
Doc. no. Document Title Papers Presentations
INF.1 Information Note 1 PDF  
INF.2 Information Note 2 PDF  
  Timetable PDF  
Key note and other presentations
  Welcome and opening remarks UNECE: Taeke Gjaltema (UNECE)    
WP.0-2 Welcome address Statistics Netherlands: Bert Kroese (Deputy Director General)    Presentation
WP.0-6 Welcome IBUC: Harry J.A. Wijnhoven (Statistics Netherlands and CEO Blaise)    Presentation
WP.0-3 Opening address: Modernization at Istat and the centralization of data collection. Piero Demetrio Falorsi (Istat, Italy)    Presentation
Session 1: Mixed-Mode Collection: Opportunities and Lessons Learned
Session organizers: Lise Rivais (Statistics Canada) and John Eltinge (US Bureau of Labor Statistics)
WP.1-1 Transition to Digital Data Collection:
Sarah Minson (Statistics New Zealand)
Paper  Presentation
WP.1-2 Modernisation of German household surveys: modularisation & mixed-mode – future challenges:
Karen Blanke (Destatis, Germany)
Paper  Presentation
WP.1-3 Dropout in general population web surveys and its effect on data quality:
Jelderik Bakker (Statistics Netherlands)
Paper  Presentation
WP.1-4 Management of CAPI and CATI at the Labor Force Survey:
Tsofit Bartov (Statistics Israel)
Paper  Presentation
WP.0-4 Standards based metadata documentation for data collection: 
Dan Smith and Jeremy Iversion (founders Colectica)
WP.0-5 Key note addresses:
James E. Smith (President and CEO Westat, United States of America)
Session 2: Standardized and Innovative Solutions for Response Burden Measurement and Reduction in Official Statistics
Session organizer: Bilal Kurban (Turkish Statistical Institute) and Barteld Braaksma (Statistics Netherlands)
WP.2-1 Standardized burden measurement for business surveys in Statistics Denmark:
Hanne-Pernille Stax (Statistics Denmark)
Paper  Presentation
WP.2-2 Towards a standardized burden measurement system for surveys on businesses:
Stefania Macchia (ISTAT, Italy)
Paper  Presentation
WP.2-3 Challenges and solutions to the use of Internet data in the Dutch CPI:
Robert Griffioen, Olav ten Bosch and Els Hoogteijling (Statistics Netherlands)
Paper  Presentation
WP.2-4 Improving the business case of Standardized Business Reporting for official statistics:
Marko Roos, Gert Buiten, Ger Snijkers and Ran van den Boom (Statistics Netherlands)
Paper  Presentation
WP.2-5 Ensuring the data collection quality of enterprise and household surveys – an overview and new ways:
Vesa Virtanen and Jukka Oikarinen (Statistics Finland)
Paper  Presentation
Session 3: Optimizing Data Collection Management
Session Organizer: Niki Stylianidou (Eurostat) and Barteld Braaksma (Statistics Netherlands)
WP.3-1 Embracing innovation in data collection management:
Sarah Minson (Statistics New Zealand )
Paper  Presentation
WP.3-2 Harmonizing and integrating data: the new architecture for Data Collection Management in Istat:
S.Macchia, M.Murgia, M.Perez, C.Romano and R.Torelli (ISTAT, Italy)
Paper  Presentation
WP.3-3 New Zealand’s Integrated Data Infrastructure:
Sarah Minson (Statistics New Zealand )
Paper Presentation
WP.3-4 Collecting Rich Paradata to Monitor Data Collection Quality in Challenging Contexts:
Beth-Ellen Pennell, Gina Cheung, Patty Maher (University of Michigan, USA)
Paper Presentation
WP.3-5 Integrating Data Collection: wins and challenges:
Paulo Saraiva (Statistics Portugal)
Paper  Presentation
WP.3-6 Integrating statistical and geographical information: LUCAS survey, a case study for land monitoring in European Union:
Alessandra Palmieri (Eurostat, European Commission)
Paper Presentation
Session 4: Communication with Respondents
Session Organizer: Frances Comerford, Central Statistics Office, Ireland
WP.4-1 Survey communication in business surveys: optimising the efficiency of web survey response:
Leanne Houben & Ger Snijkers (Statistics Netherlands)
Paper Presentation
WP.4-2 Use of nudging initiatives in communication with respondent:
Carsten Zornig (Statistics Denmark)
Paper Presentation
WP.4-3 Motivating respondents: the importance of personalised feedback:
Paulo Saraiva and Almiro Moreira (Statistics Portugal)
Paper Presentation
WP.4-4 Improving Survey Accessibility by Raising Interviewers' Awareness of Dementia and Autism:
Helen Moore (ONS, United Kingdom)
Paper Presentation
Common Session: Defending the Value of Official Statistics
WP.C-1 The value proposition of official statistics: the power of 8:
Eoin MacCuirc (Central Statistics Office, Ireland)
Paper Presentation
WP.C-2 The Statistics Dissemination of an Institution on Crisis:
M. Silvina Viazzi (INDEC/Argentina)
Paper  Presentation
WP.C-3 Using Behavioural Science to Improve ONS’s Communication with Social Survey Respondents:
Helen Moore (ONS, United Kingdom)
Paper  Presentation