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Les forêts de l'hémisphère Nord sont en croissance, mais des réformes sont nécessaires pour maximiser leur potentiel économique et social

Bien que la surface forestière soit en expansion dans la région de la CEE-ONU, avec une augmentation au cours des 15 dernières années d'une superficie totale d'environ la taille du Royaume-Uni, les revenus générés par les activités forestières et leurs secteurs connexes…

Forests in the Northern Hemisphere are growing but reforms are needed to maximise their economic and social use

While forest cover is expanding in the UNECE region, with an increase over the last 15 years of a total area of approximately the size of the United Kingdom, the income generated by forests and the related sectors is declining, the job force is shrinking, and many forest…

Wildfires are increasingly dangerous in the UNECE region

Between 2011 and 2014, more than 776 people were killed and 532,000 evacuated in wildfire situations worldwide, and a total of 16,100 houses were destroyed. Based on modelling it is estimated that annual human…

UNECE @ Sendai, #WCDRR

The Third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) is taking place in Sendai  (14-18 March), Japan, four years to the date after the tragic events of the Great Japanese Earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdowns, which were among the many disasters that,…

Jordan initiates study of the UNECE Water Convention

Jordan has decided to study the implications of joining the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention), launching the process on 10 March 2015 with a…

UNECE helps Kyrgyzstan identify more efficient irrigation technologies

The introduction of sprinkler or drip irrigation in place of surface irrigation could boost agricultural productivity in Kyrgyzstan — where the agriculture sector consumes some 90 per cent…

ЕЭК ООН помогла Кыргызстану определить более эффективные технологии полива

Применение капельного орошения или дождевания вместо поверхностного полива может придать дополнительный импульс производительности в Кыргызстане, где сельскохозяйственный сектор потребляет до 90% водных ресурсов страны, одновременно значительно снижая…

PPPs for Smart and Sustainable Cities - New Specialist Centre in Barcelona

Barcelona will host the International Specialist Centre on Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Smart and Sustainable Cities, as part of the UNECE International PPP Centre of Excellence. UNECE and IESE Business School – one of the leading business schools in Europe –…

UNECE welcomes extension of the guaranteeing agreement between the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation and the Association of International Road Carriers

The Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (FCS) decided on 26 February to prolong the agreement with the Association of International Road Carriers (ASMAP) until 30 June 2015, thus guaranteeing the implementation of the TIR Convention in the Russian…

From MDGs to SDGs – what have we learned?

Before we embark on the most ambitious development agenda ever as expressed by the proposed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we must learn from the past. The experience with implementing and monitoring the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) holds many lessons for…

Informal settlements remain a challenge in the pan-European region

In 2014, there were some 3.5 million informal buildings (i.e. constructed without building permits) in South-Eastern Europe, including approximately 2,500,000 in Greece; 500,000 in Albania; 350,000 in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; and 130,000 in Montenegro.…

Tajikistan to use UNECE recommendations for removing barriers to trade in its national development plan

Tajikistan will use UNECE recommendations for removing regulatory and procedural barriers to trade as a core part of its new development strategy. This strategy, which is currently being finalized by the government, will set out medium and long-term socio-economic development goals,   for…

The UN Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT) approves a new Recommendation on consultation approaches in trade facilitation matters

A new UNECE Recommendation (No. 40) on consultation approaches in trade facilitation matters was approved on 16 February by the  UN/CEFACT Plenary at its 21th session. Consultations will help governments and organizations prioritize agendas and communicate results which will build…

UNECE announces the members of the Jury of the Ideas for change Award

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has introduced the members of the jury of the Ideas for Change Award. The jury, led by Christian Friis Bach, Executive Secretary of the UNECE, will be composed by:-Brigitte Baumann - Founder and CEO of Go Beyond Early Stage…

UNECE to discuss first international regulatory steps concerning automated-driving

As self-driving cars slowly edge towards commercial reality, with companies such as Mercedes-Benz, Continental, Tesla, Denso, or Google getting in gear, regulatory action has already started at UNECE. Under the auspices of the World Forum for harmonization of vehicle regulations, the UNECE Working…

Lebanon to consider joining UNECE Water Convention following Beirut workshop

Lebanon announced its interest in joining the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention) during a national workshop on the Convention, “Key aspects and opportunities for…

Le Liban envisage d'adhérer à Convention sur l'eau de la CEE-ONU à l'issue de l'atelier de Beyrouth

Le Liban a annoncé son intérêt à adhérer à la Convention sur la protection et l'utilisation des cours d'eau transfrontières et des lacs internationaux de la CEE-ONU (Convention sur l'eau) lors de l'atelier national sur la Convention, «Principaux aspects et opportunités pour le Liban», qui s’est…

UNECE releases set of indicators of gender equality

In recent years, the demand for statistical information on gender equality by the media, policymakers and the scientific world has grown considerably together with the rapid and substantial changes that have characterized the lifestyles of men and women in society. The…

Belarus joins the UNECE Agreement on global vehicle regulations

On 3 March 2015 Belarus will become a Contracting Party to the 1998 Agreement on Global Vehicle Regulations.

The 1998 Agreement is the legal framework for the development of global technical regulations for vehicles and their components, with…

La lente reprise économique de l'Europe demeure fragile, selon un rapport de l'ONU

De nombreux pays européens sont toujours aux prises avec un taux de chômage élevé; les tensions géopolitiques pourraient contrarier la reprise


Genève, le 19…