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Press Releases

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UNECE and partners raise the Road Safety flag in Africa

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the International Center for Alcohol Policies (ICAP) organized a two-day workshop, in cooperation with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), aimed at raising…

Member States issue urgent call for action to achieve gender equality at Beijing+20 Regional Review Meeting

On 6 -7 November 2014, over 500 stakeholders from UNECE member States’ governments, civil society, academia, international organizations and the private sector came together at the Palais des Nations to review the progress and setbacks of the past 20 years in the…

UNFC - a tool for good governance of mineral resources in Africa

Good governance of mineral resources is critical for sustainable development in Africa.  This message is being reinforced in Johannesburg this week at the Regional Technical Workshop on UNFC with a focus on uranium resources. The United Nations Framework…

UNECE celebrates 35 years of successful cooperation for cleaner air and human well-being in the region

On this day 35 years ago, 34 Governments and the European Community signed the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Air Convention) out of a growing awareness that the ecological and human health problems throughout the region were caused by air…

UNECE facilitates negotiation of a technical protocol on transboundary water cooperation between Belarus and Lithuania

On 30 and 31 October 2014, Belarus and Lithuania negotiated a bilateral technical protocol on transboundary water cooperation for the shared Neman River Basin, facilitated by UNECE and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Belarus, in the framework of the project “River Basin…

The Executive Secretaries of the five UN Regional Commissions issue joint call for action to accelerate the transition to sustainable energy

The Executive Secretaries of the five United Nations Regional Commissions are issuing a joint call for action to accelerate the transition to sustainable and fair energy, on the occasion of the 5th International Forum on Energy for Sustainable Development in Hammamet, Tunisia. The Forum will…

UNECE Executive Secretary participates in conference on sustainable development in the Aral Sea Basin

The drying out of the Aral Sea is one of the gravest environmental catastrophes in human history. It has had severe implications for the environment and the climate in the region, as well as for the health and development of the more than 60 million people living in the Aral Sea Basin.To…

United Nations Regional Commissions join forces to conduct a Global Survey on Trade Facilitation and Paperless Trade Implementation, in collaboration with OECD

To implement Trade Facilitation and Paperless Trade, it is important for countries to be able to periodically measure progress and exchange experiences on respective practices. Having agreed on this need, the five UN Regional Commissions, namely, United Nations Regional…

Réunion régionale d'examen du statut des femmes dans la région de la CEE-ONU 20 ans après l’adoption du Programme d'action de Beijing

À l'approche de la célébration du 20ème anniversaire du Programme d'action de Beijing, considéré comme l'ordre du jour le plus complet sur les droits des femmes, la CEE-ONU a entrepris un examen de la mise en œuvre de la plate-forme par ses États membres. Les résultats…

Regional Review meeting to explore status of women in the UNECE region 20 years after the Beijing Platform for Action

In the lead up to the 20th anniversary commemoration of the landmark Beijing Platform for Action, considered the most comprehensive agenda on women’s rights, UNECE has undertaken a review of the implementation of the Platform by its Member States. The results of this review will be the focus of…

Forests in the UNECE region are expanding, but urbanization remains a major threat

The UNECE region as a whole has 1.89 billion ha of forest land, 41.4% of the global total, as compared to 34.8% of global land area and 18.3% of the population.  The region’s share of the world’s forests is one percentage point more than ten years ago because UNECE…

UNECE to consider incorporating Smart Specialisation into its policy advice on innovation

UNECE will incorporate new approaches to innovation at the regional level in its policy advice to Governments, including in upcoming national Innovation Performance Reviews for Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, and Belarus.

This is one of the outcomes…

UNECE and partners raise the Road Safety flag in South-Eastern Europe

With someone killed or injured on the world’s road every six seconds, the governments of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe take a step towards changing that statistic this week by working together to find ways to better coordinate and improve road safety. The two day workshop (15-16 October),…

Туркменистан изучает выгоды присоединения к природоохранным соглашениям ЕЭК ООН по воде и здоровью и промышленным авариям

Европейская экономическая комиссия ООН (ЕЭК ООН) подвела итог четырёхдневного семинара для туркменских госслужащих в Ашхабаде, для ознакомления с двумя Конвенциями ЕЭК ООН: Конвенции по трансграничному воздействию промышленных аварий (Конвенция о промышленных авариях) и Протоколу по проблемам…

Turkmenistan studies benefits of joining UNECE environmental agreements on water and health and industrial accidents

On Friday, 10 October 2014 the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) concluded four days of trainings in Ashgabat for Turkmen government representatives to familiarize them with two UNECE environmental treaties: the Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents…

UNECE study shows that housing is the least affordable human right

“Access to decent and affordable housing is a fundamental human need and right. However, housing is the least affordable human right.” This is the main finding of the study Models, challenges and trends in social housing in the UNECE region, presented at the 75th session of the UNECE Committee…

UNECE delegates agree on a Charter on Sustainable Housing

The countries of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) face challenges in the housing sector that directly impact their citizens’ quality of life and the environment. Desiring to assist them, the UNECE Committee on Housing and Land Management agreed on the text of a Charter…

UNECE encourages us all to live in Greener and Smarter Homes on World Habitat Day

Every year on World Habitat Day, we are encouraged to reflect on the state of our towns and cities and how we can improve them. We are also called upon to remember that we all have the power and the responsibility to shape their future.For this year’s World Habitat Day on 8 October the UNECE…

Christian Friis Bach is officially sworn in as UNECE Executive Secretary by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

On 2 October 2014, Christian Friis Bach was officially sworn in as UNECE Executive Secretary by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, in a ceremony held at the Council Chamber in the Palais des Nations in Geneva in the form of a Town Hall meeting with UNECE staff. In his opening speech, the Secretary-…

UNECE supporting regional Trade Facilitation in the Black Sea Region

Members of the Organization of Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), including  Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Greece, the Russian Federation, Turkey and Ukraine, have decided to develop a regional trade facilitation strategy, modelled on proposals made by UNECE, Turkey, Greece and Ukraine…