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Les projets de l’ONU modèrent la croissance de l’Europe ‎sur fonds de risques multiples de ralentissement de la ‎croissance

Conditions externes, incertitude politique et changements structurels freinent l’élan de la croissance

D’après le rapport « Situation et perspectives de l'économie mondiale » des Nations…

UN projects moderate growth for Europe amid multiple ‎downside risks

External conditions, policy uncertainty and structural changes are weighing on growth momentum

Growth in Europe is projected to remain moderate, as the region continues to face multiple downside…

D’après l’ONU, les perspectives de croissance économique ‎pour l’année 2020 dépendent de la résorption des ‎différends commerciaux et des incertitudes

Cette année, les revenus par habitant devraient stagner ou baisser dans 1 pays sur 5

Minée par des différends commerciaux prolongés, l’économie mondiale a enregistré sa croissance la plus faible en une décennie, baissant à 2,3 pour cent en 2019. Cependant, d…

UN finds that prospects for economic growth in 2020 ‎hinge on reducing trade disputes and uncertainty

1 in 5 countries will see per capita incomes stagnate or decline this year

Impacted by prolonged trade disputes, the global economy suffered its lowest growth in a decade, slipping to 2.3 per cent in 2019.  The world…

Kyrgyzstan can tap into strategic location along ‎key transport corridors: UN report‎

Improving the competitiveness and connectivity of Kyrgyzstan, which occupies a strategic location along key transport corridors between Europe and Asia, could enable the country to unlock significant untapped benefits from the increasing amount of freight that is…

UNECE supports countries to operationalize Euro-Asian inland transport ‎corridors

Making the most of regionally and internationally available standards, instruments and technologies can make a critical difference in strengthening the security of inland transport systems in Eurasia. It can also enable efficient international, multi-modal transport…

‎40 years of cooperation and counting with UNECE Air Convention: Ministers and high-‎level representatives renew commitment to tackle air pollution

When 32 Member States signed the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution in 1979, it was not evident that it would develop into a successful regional framework for controlling and reducing the damage to human health and the environment caused by…

Дорожная карта ЕЭК ООН поможет Беларуси отреагировать на ‎политические вызовы и реализовать возможности, связанные со ‎старением населения

ЕЭК ООН подготовила Дорожную карту по обеспечению всестороннего учета вопросов старения населения в Беларуси, в которой содержатся специально разработанные рекомендации по комплексным политическим мерам в области старения населения.

Старение населения в Беларуси…

UNECE Road Map will help Belarus respond to policy challenges and ‎opportunities of population ageing

UNECE has launched a Road Map for Mainstreaming Ageing in Belarus, providing tailored guidance for a comprehensive policy response to population ageing.

Population ageing in Belarus

The Republic of Belarus, like many other UNECE…

UNECE launches Knowledge Hub on Statistics for SDGs to support ‎evidence-driven policies

Designing policies, tracking progress and holding policymakers accountable for their decisions depends on high quality, reliable and comparable statistical indicators. The essential role of data and statistics for fulfilling the SDGs is marked by their inclusion within the…

Pan-European countries reaffirm commitment to advance the water, sanitation and ‎health agenda at Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol on Water and Health

Montenegro is to become the 27th Party to the Protocol on Water and Health in the next months and 8 other pan-European countries confirmed that they are on their way to accession!

These announcements came as more than 225 participants from…

UNECE supports action on food loss and waste with new measurement methodology and code of ‎good practice for handling fresh produce ‎

Sustainable Development Goal Target 12.3 is to halve by 2030 per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses. The need for action is urgent - consider for instance that…

Central Asia, Afghanistan and Azerbaijan to reduce barriers to trade and ‎transport using UN legal instruments, standards and recommendations

Now is the moment to transform Central Asia from a periphery of the large trading blocs in Europe and East Asia into a bustling hub of development and trade at the heart of Eurasia.

The Central Asian nations of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,…

UNECE adopts the first international standard for dried melons

More than 9 million tonnes of melons of various types are produced worldwide every year. Most melons are consumed fresh, leading to an abundance of available produce in many regions of the world including in Central Asia. Compared to the overall production, export…

Countries in Pan-European region making progress on equitable access to water and sanitation but important ‎gaps remain

Ensuring equitable access must be central to efforts to realize the basic human rights to water and sanitation. However, despite significant progress in the provision of water and sanitation in the pan-European region, the latest data of the WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring…

Всемирный день туалета позволил привлечь внимание общественности к ‎продолжающейся борьбе за безопасное водоснабжение и улучшение санитарных условий ‎в общеевропейском регионе

Более 31 миллиона жителей общеевропейского региона не имеют доступа к базовым санитарным услугам, а 314 000 человек все еще практикуют открытую дефекацию. Последствия этого очевидны: ежедневно 14 человек в регионе умирают от диареи, связанной с неадекватным качеством…

La Journée mondiale des toilettes vise à souligner que la lutte pour l’eau potable et ‎l’assainissement se poursuit dans toute la Région paneuropéenne

Dans la Région paneuropéenne, plus de 31 millions de personnes n’ont pas accès aux services d’assainissement essentiels et 314 000 personnes pratiquent toujours la défécation en plein air. Cela a des conséquences visibles : chaque jour, dans la Région…

More efforts are still needed to realize the basic human rights to clean water ‎and sanitation in the Pan-European region

Over 31 million people in the Pan-European region lack access to basic sanitation services and 314,000 people still practice open defecation. Every day, 14 people die because of inadequate water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). In addition, there are significant…

UNECE launches English-Russian-Chinese trade facilitation glossary, helping to cut red tape ‎across Eurasia and beyond

Harmonizing and standardizing not only trade procedures, but also the accompanying information flows, can unlock significant time and cost savings. For this, using the same terminology and the same semantics of terms in different languages is crucial.

EU4Environment supports Moldova’s commitment to addressing ‎environmental impacts of its economic growth ‎

Environmental assessments are tools that benefit people and nature. Their use ensures the soundness and transparency of economic and territorial planning decisions, preventing damage to the environment and health from economic growth. The Republic of Moldova committed to…