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Press Releases

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UN/CEFACT recommendation to help scale up private sector successes in streamlining international trade

Streamlining border crossing and helping traders to access international markets can provide significant stimulus to national economies. A Single Window for international trade is the ideal solution to achieving this; however, fostering the cooperation between government…

La CEE-ONU et plus d’une cinquantaine d’organismes de normalisation signent la Déclaration sur les normes et l’élaboration des normes tenant compte des questions de genre

Les femmes sont largement sous-représentées dans l'élaboration des normes qui touchent tant de domaines de notre vie, depuis les infrastructures dont dépendent les économies jusqu'aux produits de consommation courante et aux technologies nécessaires pour relever un large…

UNECE and over 50 standards bodies sign Declaration on Gender Responsive Standards

Women are widely under-represented in developing the standards that affect so many areas of our lives, from the infrastructure on which economies depend, to the products we consume every day and the technologies needed to address a wide range of sustainability challenges…

Amendment to UN agreement will help more countries ensure safe transport of dangerous goods

Far too many accidents involving the transport of dangerous goods still occur in countries all around the world. Recent incidents among the dozens recorded every month include the explosion last week of an overturned petrol tanker in Niamey, Niger, that killed 58 people…

Un amendement à l'accord de l'ONU aidera davantage de pays à assurer la sécurité du transport des marchandises dangereuses

Trop d'accidents impliquant le transport de marchandises dangereuses se produisent encore dans le monde entier, puisque l’on en recense plusieurs dizaines chaque mois.  On peut citer l'explosion la semaine dernière d'un camion-citerne transportant du pétrole qui s’…

UNECE and FAO take stock of the state of forests of the Caucasus and Central Asia in first ever study

The forests of the Caucasus and Central Asia are vital in fighting erosion and desertification in the harsh climates of the region. They host a rich biodiversity and provide livelihoods for the rural population, who have few other sources of revenue. These forests also…

As Europe races ahead with electric vehicles, UN Framework helps manage critical raw materials for batteries

Country after country in Europe is racing to put more and more electric cars on the road as Europe strives to position itself as a world leader in electric vehicle innovation, digitization and decarbonization. If electric vehicles are going to feature so prominently in a…

Member States underscore value of UNECE’s integrated support for 2030 Agenda implementation in the region

Fifty-six member States from Europe, North America and Central Asia have come together to reaffirm their commitment to harnessing UNECE as a key platform for cooperation to advance progress towards the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals in the region.

Mayors call for greater recognition by the United Nations of the key role of local governments in achieving the SDGs

Cities play an essential role in addressing some of today’s major sustainability challenges, whether it comes to reducing the impact of climate change, giving people a home, strengthening resilience to disasters or reducing pollution. Mayors meeting today at the United…

New UNECE guidelines support improved measurement of international labour mobility

International labour migration is an increasingly important feature of the interconnected global economy. It has never been easier for people to travel and work in other countries, especially in common market areas such as the European Union. This expansion of…

China blast highlights need to continuously improve industrial and chemical safety – solutions exist

A major accident at a chemical plant in China last week, which killed around 65 people and injured 94 more – with several dozen still unaccounted for – highlights the urgent need to strengthen measures to ensure safety for the transport of dangerous goods and industrial…

Learn to love forests: Geneva encourages forest education to change the world for the better

Forests are life in its essence. Through education and training we can help safeguard these important and highly diverse ecosystems, providing clean air and water, while supplying food, wood and shelter.

Today, the global community celebrates…

SDG Snapshot report highlights strong progress but persistent challenges for UNECE region

Almost four years after the adoption of the 2030 Agenda, what progress has been made in the UNECE region towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and where do the greatest gaps remain?

The brief Snapshot of SDG performance in the…

What are statistics worth? Determining the value of Official Statistics

‘Evidence-based decision-making’. It’s a term that rolls off the tongue almost without having to think about it, so commonplace has it become in the everyday jargon of policy-making and sustainable development circles.


But it’s…

New UN Convention will significantly speed up international rail travel for passengers, especially in Europe and Asia

Rail travel offers an efficient, safe and environmentally friendly means of transport, with significant untapped potential to support progress on a range of Sustainable Development Goals spanning from economic growth to climate action.


Countries adopt 2030 strategy for sustainable inland transport

Ministers of Transport and high-level officials from across the globe came to the Transport Week of the 81st plenary session of the Inland Transport Committee (ITC), to debate on cutting-edge issues, including automation and digitalization in transport, and participate…

Autonomous transport must be developed with a global eye

Automation in transport, including “self-driving” autonomous vehicles, has the potential to improve the lives of billions of people and transform mobility as we know it. It could enable a safer, more efficient, accessible and ecological means of…

Piecing together the puzzle: new UNECE guidance on data integration for migration

Measuring international migration is a complex task. To paint a complete picture we need to know not only how many people enter and leave a country—which in itself is challenging enough—but also the characteristics of those people and the ways in which they integrate…

Official statistics on the right track in Uzbekistan says new report

Official statistics provide an indispensable element in the information system of any country, serving the government, the economy and the public with data about the economic, demographic, social and environmental situation. National statistical systems also play a…

Un Règlement des Nations Unies sur les systèmes avancés de freinage d'urgence pour les voitures réduira sensiblement le nombre d'accidents

Quelques 40 pays viennent de se mettre d'accord sur un projet de règlement des Nations Unies sur les systèmes avancés de freinage d'urgence (AEBS) pour les voitures. Cela améliorera sensiblement la sécurité routière, en particulier dans les villes, où rien que dans l'…