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ACCC/C/2020/184 United Kingdom and European Union

Case status: Inadmissible.
Topics: Access to environmental information; Public participation; Access to justice.
Articles alleged: 1–9.
Articles considered by the Committee: -
Articles, if any, found in non-compliance:
Summary: The communication was submitted to the Compliance Committee on 30 October 2020 by Ms. Christine Gibson, a member of the public. The communication alleged violation of the Convention by the United Kingdom and the European Union with respect to access to information, public participation in decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters in Northern Ireland, as part of the United Kingdom.

Document Status Date received or
posted by the secretariat
Annex 1: Letter from the European Court of Human Rights dated 30.10.2019
Annex 2: Letter from the European Court of Human Rights dated 12.12.2019, enclosing decision in Gibson v. United Kingdom
Annex 3: Letter from the European Commission dated 17.10.2019
Annex 4: First Tier Tribunal (General Regulatory Chamber) Case Management Directions dated 01.11.2019
Annex 5: Letter to the President of the European Council 
Annex 6: Email to the Ministers of Northern Ireland and First Ministers of Scotland and Wales dated 20.09.2020
From the communicant 02.11.2020 (dated 30.10.2020)
Oral statement at Committee’s 69th meeting From the communicant 12.01.2021
Party concerned's comments on preliminary admissibility From Party concerned 22.01.2021
Email enclosing comments on the comments of the UK on preliminary admissibility and update on the communication From the communicant 24.01.2021
Comments on preliminary admissibility From the Party concerned (European Union) 25.01.2021
Comments on the comments of the EU on preliminary admissibility From the communicant 26.01.2021
Letter with Committee’s determination concerning admissibility From the secretariat 04.02.2021
Request for a reconsideration of Committee’s determination of inadmissibility From the communicant 11.03.2021
Decision by Chair and Vice Chairs that the Committee’s determination of inadmissibility will stand From the secretariat 23.03.2021