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Second meeting of the GGP International Working Group

24 - 26 February 2003
Prague Czechia


Source Document Title ENG
PAU Final report of the meeting PDF
Background Documents
PAU GGP Working Groups PDF
QDG 1 Draft Questionnaire PDF
QDG 1 Draft Household Grid PDF
QDG 1 Draft Questionnaire Technical Annex PDF
QDG 1 Draft Questionnaire Justification PDF
CDBWG GGP Contextual Database Group: Activities and Conclusions PDF
Related documents
PAU Executive Summary. The Generations and Gender Programme PDF
DRI The Hungarian Gender and Generations Survey: Turning Points of Life PDF
SDSWG GGP Study Design and Sampling Working Group PDF
AWG GGP Analysis Working Group PDF
CDBWG GGP contextual Database PDF
QDG 1 Detailed Questionnaire Development PDF
QDG 1 General Overview Questionnaire Development PDF
Eurostat Eurostat Acitvities and Plans related to GGP PDF