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ACCC/C/2023/203 Germany

Case status: Pending.
Follow-up: – 
Topics: Public participation.
Articles alleged: 8.
Articles considered by the Committee:
Articles, if any, found in non-compliance:
Summary: The communication was submitted to the Compliance Committee on 10 July 2023 by the non-governmental organization Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V.. The communication alleged that Germany failed to comply with article 8 of the Convention in connection with public participation with respect to the draft amendment to the Climate Protection Act. 

Document Status Date received
posted by the secretariat
Email  enclosing communication
Annexes 1-7
From the communicant 10.07.2023
Statement on preliminary admissibility From the communicant 19.09.2023
Statement on preliminary admissibility From the Party concerned 19.09.2023
Comments on Party concerned’s statement on preliminary admissibility From the communicant 20.09.2023
Letters to the Party concerned and the communicant enclosing Committee's determination of preliminary admissibility and forwarding the communication for the Party concerned's response From the secretariat 12.12.2023
Annexes 1-10
Annexes 11-16
Annex 17: Compiled data on duration of public participation
Annexes 18-20
From the observer Green Legal Impact 02.05.2024 (dated 01.05.2024)
Response to communication From the Party concerned 10.05.2024
Comments on Party concerned’s response to communication
Annex: Press release dated 12.07.2023 GER/ENG
From the communicant 26.06.2024
Observers’ statement From the observers (Agora International Human Rights Group and Human Rights Law Network) 03.07.2024