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National Workshop on the UNECE-WHO/EUROPE Protocol on Water and Health for Kazakhstan

23 - 24 April 2014

The national workshop on the Protocol on Water and Health for Kazakhstan was organized on 23-24 April 2014 in Borovoe joinly by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources of Kazakhstan and the WHO Regional Office for Europe. The workshop was financially supported by the Ministry of Environment of Norway. It was held back to back with the meeting of the Steering Committee of the National Policy Dialogue on Integrated Water Resources Management and Water Supply and Sanitation (NPD).

The workshop was attended by more than 30 participants representing key governmental agencies sharing responsibility in the water, sanitation and health domain, non-governmental organizations and academia. Experts from other member States of UNECE were also present to share their experience on the implementation of the Protocol in their countries. Chairs of the Bureau of the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol and the Compliance Committee also attended.

The workshop aimed at providing relevant national stakeholders in Kazakhstan with a detailed overview of the core provisions of the Protocol, its institutional structure and main areas of work. It also highlighted how Kazakhstan can benefit from accessing this multilateral legally binding agreement. Finally, the workshop reviewed and provided its recommendations with respect to the assessment conducted by a national expert group, which examined the legal, institutional and financial needs for the implementation of the Protocol in Kazakhstan.

Press release of the meeting is available in English and Russian.

Documents ENG
Programme PDF
Report PDF
Presentations ENG RUS
The UNECE-WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health: its main obligations and the status of implementation
Mr. Alisher Mamadzhanov, UNECE
Target setting and reporting under the Protocol
Mr. Pierre Studer, Senior drinking water regulator, Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office, Switzerland
Setting and implementation of targets in the Republic of Moldova
Mr. Ion Salaru, Deputy Director, National Centre for Public Health, Ministry of Health, Republic of Moldova
The process of target setting in the context of the Protocol in the Kyrgyz Republic
Mr. Erkin Orolbaev, NPD coordinator, Kyrgyz Republic
Outcomes of the assessment of legal, institutional, financial and capacity needs for the implementation of the Protocol on Water and Health for Kazakhstan and its possible accession to the Protocol
Mr. Serik Akhmetov, NPD coordinator, Kazakhstan
Introduction to water and sanitation safety planning, including the overview of activities planned under the Protocol’s programme of work for 2014-2016
Mr. Oliver Schmoll, WHO/Europe
Surveillance and reducing of water related diseases in the Republic of Moldova
Mr. Ion Salaru, Deputy Director, National Centre for Public Health, Ministry of Health, Republic of Moldova
Small-scale water supplies and sanitation: issues in the region and activities in the programme of work under the Protocol
Mr. Oliver Schmoll, WHO/Europe
Compliance review mechanism under the Protocol and its facilitative role
Mr. Veit Koester, Chair of the Compliance Committee under the Protocol