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Fourteenth Meeting of the Standing Working Group on Ageing

22 - 23 November 2021
Palais des Nations and online Geneva Switzerland

Official Documents

16553 _ ECE/WG.1/2021/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the fourteenth meeting _ 359509 _ English _ 773 _ 337827 _ pdf
16553 _ ECE/WG.1/2021/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the fourteenth meeting _ 359509 _ French _ 780 _ 337828 _ pdf
16553 _ ECE/WG.1/2021/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the fourteenth meeting _ 359509 _ Russian _ 864 _ 337830 _ pdf
16553 _ ECE/WG.1/2021/2 - Report of the fourteenth Meeting of the Standing Working Group on Ageing _ 364053 _ English _ 773 _ 354015 _ pdf
16553 _ ECE/WG.1/2021/2 - Report of the fourteenth Meeting of the Standing Working Group on Ageing _ 364053 _ French _ 780 _ 354016 _ pdf
16553 _ ECE/WG.1/2021/2 - Report of the fourteenth Meeting of the Standing Working Group on Ageing _ 364053 _ Russian _ 864 _ 354020 _ pdf
16553 _ ECE/WG.1/2021/3 - Report on the thirteenth meeting of the Bureau of the Standing Working Group on Ageing _ 359510 _ English _ 773 _ 337880 _ pdf
16553 _ ECE/WG.1/2021/3 - Report on the thirteenth meeting of the Bureau of the Standing Working Group on Ageing _ 359510 _ French _ 780 _ 337881 _ pdf
16553 _ ECE/WG.1/2021/3 - Report on the thirteenth meeting of the Bureau of the Standing Working Group on Ageing _ 359510 _ Russian _ 864 _ 337882 _ pdf
16553 _ ECE/WG.1/2021/4 - Implementation of the work programme of the Standing Working Group on Ageing in 2021 _ 359511 _ English _ 773 _ 337940 _ pdf
16553 _ ECE/WG.1/2021/4 - Implementation of the work programme of the Standing Working Group on Ageing in 2021 _ 359511 _ French _ 780 _ 337941 _ pdf
16553 _ ECE/WG.1/2021/4 - Implementation of the work programme of the Standing Working Group on Ageing in 2021 _ 359511 _ Russian _ 864 _ 337943 _ pdf

Presentations - Item 5 - The Standing Working Group on Ageing work programme for the 4th implementation cycle of the Regional Implementation Strategy for the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing – implemented activities in 2021 and plans for 2022

Presentation - Item 6 - Activities under the Joint Programme on Ageing: Building forward better in the light of COVID-19

List of participants

21784 _ List of participants _ 363112 _ English _ 773 _ 343548 _ pdf