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Work Session on Statistical Data Confidentiality

26 - 28 October 2011
Tarragona Spain

ECE/CES/GE.46/2011 /...

  Document Title ENG Presentations
INF.1 Information Notice for Participants PDF
3 Oct.11
  LaTeX Template ZIP
20 Sep.11
  MS Word Template DOC
20 Sep.11
WP.1 Provisional agenda and timetable PDF
20 Oct.11
CRP.1 Report of the meeting PDF
4 Jan.12
  Topic (i):  Disclosure risk assessment    
WP.2 Disclosure Risk from Factor Scores in a Remote Access Environment (Germany) PDF
5 Oct.11

21 Nov.11

WP.3 Risk for high dimensional business microdata (Italy) PDF
5 Oct.11
21 Nov.11
WP.4 Sampling as a way to reduce risk and create a Public Use File maintaining weighted totals (Italy) PDF
20 Oct.11
21 Nov.11
WP.5 Why should official statistics care about data integration? First experiences in linking microdata in Germany  (Germany) PDF
5 Oct.11
21 Nov.11
WP.6 Progress with Real Time Remote Access (Canada) PDF
5 Oct.11
21 Nov.11
WP.7 Supervised learning approach for distance based record linkage as disclosure risk evaluation (IIIA/CSIC) PDF
5 Oct.11
21 Nov.11
  Topic (ii): Software research and development    
WP.8 Data Shuffling for Protecting Confidential Data, Krishnamurty Muralidhar (University of Kentucky) PDF
5 Oct.11
21 Nov.11
WP.9 Key Variable Mapping System II (University of Manchester) PDF
6 Oct.11
21 Nov.11
WP.10 A computational framework to protect tabular data – R-package sdcTable (Austria ) PDF
5 Oct.11
21 Nov.11
WP.11 Negative cell values, singletons and linked tables in Tau-Argus (Netherlands) PDF
5 Oct.11
21 Nov.11
WP.12 New business survey confidentiality software G-Confid (Canada) PDF
5 Oct.11
21 Nov.11
WP.13 Remote access in Statistics Finland (Finland) PDF
10 Oct.11
21 Nov.11
  Topic (iii): Census and other applications    
WP.14 Application for presenting census results in the context of statistical data confidentiality in Poland (Poland) PDF
5 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
WP.15 Statistical disclosure control for communal establishments in the UK 2011 Census (United Kingdom) PDF
5 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
WP.16 SAFE – A method for anonymising the German Census (Germany) PDF
5 Oct.11
23 Nov.11

23 Nov.11
  Topic (iv): Balancing data quality and data confidentiality    
WP.17 Disclosure risk when responding to queries with deterministic guarantees (University of Kentucky/Oklahoma State University) PDF
5 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
WP.18 Improved Variance Estimation for Fully Synthetic Datasets (Germany) PDF
14 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
WP.19 On Balancing Disclosure Risk and Data Utility in Transaction Data Sharing Using R-U Confidentiality Map (Vanderbilt University/IBM-Research-Zurich/Cardiff University) PDF
5 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
WP.20 Quantitative Methods to Assess Data Confidentiality and Data Utility for Microdata in Japan (Japan) PDF
5 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
WP.21 Sharing risks, sharing benefits: Data as a public good, Richard Welpton (University of Essex/ONS) PDF
14 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
WP.22 The Case For—Or Against—Hybrid SDL Methods (United States of America) PDF
17 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
WP.23 Comparison of perturbation methods based on pre-defined quality indicators (Austria) PDF
5 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
WP.24 On differential privacy and data utility in SDC (Universitat  Rovira i Virgili) PDF
14 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
WP.25 Some aspects concerning analytical validity and disclosure risk of CART generated synthetic data (Germany) PDF
5 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
WP.26 Differential Privacy – A Primer for the Perplexed (United States of America/Ben-Gurion University) PDF
10 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
WP.27 Analysis of information loss in European data due to confidentiality (Eurostat) PDF
14 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
WP.28 Enhanced controlled tabular adjustment (University of La Laguna) PDF
5 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
  Topic (v): Privacy for new types of microdata: sequence data and mobility data    
WP.29 Anonymized integrated event history datasets for researchers (Norway) PDF
20 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
WP.30 Synthetic Data for Small Area Estimation in the U.S. Federal Statistical System (University of Michigan) PDF
5 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
WP.31 Anti-discrimination and privacy protection in released datasets (Universitat  Rovira i Virgili) PDF
5 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
WP.32 Anonymization of trajectory data (Universitat  Rovira i Virgili) PDF
5 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
  Topic (vi): Data integration - CANCELED    
  Topic (vii): International projects, groups and forum dealing with data access, release and related methodologies    
WP.33 Update on what is happening with the UNECE Principles and Guidelines (UNECE) PDF
14 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
WP.34 ESSnet on Decentralized and Remote Access to Confidential Data in the ESS (Germany) PDF
7 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
WP.35 The need for networks on data access - Data Without Boundaries Project and Workshop on Data Access (France/Germany/Netherlands ) PDF
7 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
WP.36 Farm Structure Survey: Considerations on the release of a European Microdata File for research purposes (Italy) PDF
6 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
WP.37 Initial analyses on comparable dissemination from the Essnet project on SDC harmonization (Italy)   PPT
23 Nov.11
WP.38 Basque Statistics Office Confidentiality project: final stages (Spain) PDF
24 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
  Topic (viii): Trans-border access to microdata    
WP.39 Advancing cross-border access to microdata: Work of the “Paris Group” (Canada) PDF
14 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
WP.40 Standard accreditation model for access to microdata (United Kingdom)   PPT
23 Nov.11
WP.41 Metadata standards to support controlled access to microdata (University of Minnesota) PDF
6 Oct.11

23 Nov.11

WP.42 Legal aspects of transnational access of French confidential data (France) PDF
11 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
WP.43 The Future of Access to European Confidential Data for Scientific Purposes (Eurostat) PDF
17 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
WP.44 Guidelines for anonymisation of microdata – World Bank Open Data Program (OECD)   PPT
23 Nov.11
WP.45 The IPUMS-IECM partnership, where a single license agreement opens access to microdata for more than 60 countries to researchers world-wide free of cost (University of Minnesota, Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics, Barcelona) PDF
6 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
  Topic (ix): Statistical Disclosure Limitation for table and analysis servers: how to make outputs of modern data access infrastructures safe    
WP.46 Morpheus – Remote access to microdata with a quality measure (Germany) PDF
6 Oct.11
23 Nov.11

23 Nov.11
WP.47 Post-tabular stochastic noise to protect skewed business data (Germany) PDF
10 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
WP.48 Present and future research on controlled tabular adjustment (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) PDF
6 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
WP.49 Adaptation of EZS Disclosure Method to QCEW (United States of America) PDF
6 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
WP.50 De facto anonymity in results (Germany) PDF
6 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
WP.51 Data Utility, Confidentiality, and the Production-Possibility Frontier: Striking a Delicate Balance (United States of America) PDF
6 Oct.11
23 Nov.11
WP.52 Protecting Confidentiality in a Remote Analysis Server for Tabulation and Analysis of Data (Australia) PDF
17 Oct.11
23 Nov.11