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14/15AD: Strengthening the capacity in the most vulnerable countries in the ECE region for the sustainable development of statistics

Strengthening the capacity in the most vulnerable countries in the ECE region for the sustainable development of statistics

EXCOM approval

Planning phase

Implementation phase

Final Reporting
and Evaluation phase

EXCOM form

Concept paper
Project document, including the budget
• Work/implementation plan
Monitoring the Implementation

Final/Terminal report

• Evaluation ToR
• Evaluation report


Midpoint/Annual Progress Reports

Annual funds utilization reports

  • Midpoint report
  • Annual Progress Report (2014, 2015)

Annual funds utilization report

Part I. Planning
Part II. Implementation

Expected accomplishments

Planned activities

Estimated costs (US$)


Implemented activities3

Actual expenditures4 (US$)3

EA1: Recommendations from Global Assessments (GAs) are endorsed by relevant national authorities and incorporated into the multiyear (strategic) and annual (operational) statistical programmes of work

A1: 8 advisory missions to assist national statistical authorities of beneficiary countries in the formulation and inclusion of the recommendations in their respective statistical programmes of work. This activity is in support of EA1.



6.-7. 10. 2014, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan: Follow-up on the implementation of the recommendations of the GA of NSS of Kyrgyzstan.

Advisory missions to Ukraine, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan on the implementation of the recommendations from the global assessment and their incorporation into the statistical work programmes. The advisory missions were held back to back with the capacity building events organised in these countries. UNECE staff provided advice to the national statistical offices of these countries on the formulation and inclusion of the recommendations in their respective statistical programmes of work.


 *Additional information in the Annual progress reports


EA2: Strengthened capacities to build sustainable statistical production processes that are supported by sufficient organisational structures

A2: 4 sub-regional workshops/training seminars in support of EA2 to focus mainly on general recommendations provided in Global Assessment reports such as:
• Legal and institutional framework for the production of official statistics; including the UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics;
• Modernising statistical production processes and improving planning of statistical activities including allocation of necessary human, technical and financial resources;
• Use of administrative data for the production of official statistic, and set-up and maintenance of statistical registers;
• Quality and dissemination of statistics information from a users’ perspective.
They will promote the exchange of good practices and experience among the target countries in implementing the UN Fundamental Principles and rationalising (streamlining) the production of official statistics. When relevant, other EECCA countries, for which Global Assessments were conducted, may be invited to participate at their own expenses or with the financial support of multilateral and bilateral partners.


 10-11 December 2014, Almaty, Kazakhstan: "Kick-off meeting for the UNDA 9th tranche project" 

6-8 May 2015, Istanbul, Turkey: Workshop on the implementation of 2008 SNA

14-15 November, Geneva, Switzerland: System of Environment Economic Accounts, SEEA implementation for EECCA countries

1-3 December 2015, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan: 10th SPECA jointly with the UNDA 9th tranche project: Modernization of official statistics and presentation of the final draft of the Generic Statistical Law to the beneficiary countries of the project. Savings in the workshop organisation and engagement of other donors have made it possible to organise additional sub-regional workshops, as follows:

26-29 April 2016, CES, Paris, France: Sub-regional workshop on Workshop on strengthening statistical and institutional capacities in the context of SDGs, back to back with Conference of European Statisticians (CES).  UNECE presented GLOS and its Explanatory Notes to the Conference of European Statisticians for endorsement as a recommendation for the countries of the Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asian sub-region that took part in the United Nations Development Account project. The Generic Law was unanimously endorsed at the CES plenary session one day after, and further work to extend the guidance to all countries wishing to benchmark their statistical legislation was launched.

17-20 May 2016, Geneva: Workshop and Work session on Migration Statistics

7-8 July 2016, Ohrid, FYR of Macedonia: Strategic Management Seminar on the Generic Law on Official Statistics (GLOS)

6-9 September, Krakow, Poland: Workshop on Human Resource and Management and training, including special session for EECCA countries

  *Additional information in the Annual progress reports



EA3: Increased capacity of national statistical offices to produce and disseminate internationally comparable statistics.

A3:16 national workshops/training seminars combined with advisory missions to assist target countries in building sustainable capacities for collecting, processing, analysing and disseminating internationally comparable statistics, including set-up and maintenance of online dissemination databases and user-friendly data extraction software.
This activity is in support of EA 3 and will focus for each beneficiary on the implementation of the specific recommendations provided in the Global Assessment report and incorporated in the statistical programmes. This activity is targeted at producers of official statistics at national and sub-national level but, when relevant, will also include policy makers and stakeholders in order to gain their commitment and achieve sustainable changes.





















2014: Based on request for support for developing statistical laws from the beneficiary countries (namely: Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Ukraine), UNECE launched the work on the Generic Statistical Law (GSL). (note:  this was a name in the process of drafting. Final name of the document is "Generic Law on Official Statistics" (GLOS). ) It was agreed that GSL will be prepared as for EECCA countries. For each proposed article, it will provide clear explanations and links to the UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics (UN-FPs) adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2014.

16-17 April, 2015, Kiev, Ukraine: 1st meeting of the Editorial Board (group of experts) to develop the Generic Statistical Law for EECCA countries (GSL), in line with the UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics. The first draft GSL was discussed article by article during the Editorial Board meeting. The draft GSL is a comprehensive document that thoroughly reflects the recommendations of Global Assessments conducted in EECCA countries and takes into account the environment and general circumstances in the region.

19-21 August 2015, Yerevan, Armenia:  2nd meeting of the Editorial Board to finalize the Generic Statistical Law for EECCA countries (GSL). The Law finalised, and it was decided that the Law will be submitted will be consulted with beneficiary countries at the 10th SPECA working group meeting in Bishkek.

The printed version of the Generic Law on Official Statistics (GLOS) is in progress.

GLOS as submitted to CES 2016: GlOS, Explanatory notes, Consultants: ToR1, ToR2, ToR3


4 December 2015, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan: National workshop with the representatives of the national statistical system of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, to strengthen the modernization of official statistics, the legal and institutional framework based on the recommendation from global assessment.

11-15 January, Kiev, Ukraine: First mission of the Global Assessment of the national Statistical system of Ukraine (pilot assessment of the second round of the Global Assessment to be conducted in EECCA countries)

5-6 April 2016, Tbilisi, Georgia: Workshop on the use of administrative data for the measurement of migration.

4-8 April, Kiev, Ukraine: Second mission of Global Assessment report of the National Statistical System of Ukraine

9-13 November 2016, Tashkent, Uzbekistan: National Workshop for Uzbekistan, join UN-Government Retreat on SDG


  *Additional information in the Annual progress reports 




A1-3: At the end of the project, 8 advisory missions to beneficiary countries to conduct follow-up assessments of progress made and to identify remaining gaps. This activity is in support of EA 1, 2 and 3.



 To be carried out in 2017

Monitoring and evaluation of the project implementation



To be carried out in 2017
