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Download Documents for 7th meeting of the Expert group on equitable access to water and sanitation

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Final_Concept_note_Eq.Access_7th_Expert_group_meeting_for sharing_ENG.pdf Final_Concept_note_Eq.Access_7th_Expert_group_meeting_for sharing_ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 408.44 KB) English Concept note
Final_Concept_note_Eq.Access_7th_Expert_group_meeting_for sharing_FRE.pdf Final_Concept_note_Eq.Access_7th_Expert_group_meeting_for sharing_FRE.pdf (application/pdf, 414.65 KB) French Concept note
Final_Concept_note_Eq.Access_7th_Expert_group_meeting_for sharing_RUS.pdf Final_Concept_note_Eq.Access_7th_Expert_group_meeting_for sharing_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 431.97 KB) Russian Concept note
Agenda_ExpertGroup_Final.pdf Agenda_ExpertGroup_Final.pdf (application/pdf, 423.52 KB) English Agenda 
21.05.2024 UPDATED Revised Equitable Access Score-card Glossary.pdf 21.05.2024 UPDATED Revised Equitable Access Score-card Glossary.pdf (application/pdf, 861.85 KB) English Draft revised scorecard
Annex I - Cross-cutting principles of the rights to water and sanitation.pdf Annex I - Cross-cutting principles of the rights to water and sanitation.pdf (application/pdf, 204.35 KB) English Annex I - Cross-cutting principles of the rights to water and sanitation
Session 1 (1)_RevisionProcessScore-card_ABG.pdf Session 1 (1)_RevisionProcessScore-card_ABG.pdf (application/pdf, 1.11 MB) English The Equitable Access Score-card: the past, present and ways forward - Mr. Armin Bigham Ghazani, UNECE
Session 1 (2)_Montenegro_Dijana Ð. Expert Group on Euitable Access to WAS.pdf Session 1 (2)_Montenegro_Dijana Ð. Expert Group on Euitable Access to WAS.pdf (application/pdf, 545.21 KB) English Piloting the draft revised Score-card in Montenegro - Ms. Dijana Djurovic, Director of Centre for Hygiene and Environmental Health, Institute of Public Health, Montenegro
Session 1 (3)_ Albania_experience_28 May 2024.pdf Session 1 (3)_ Albania_experience_28 May 2024.pdf (application/pdf, 1.28 MB) English Piloting the draft revised Score-card in Albania - Mr. Arduen Karagjozi, Director, Directory of Strategic Management, Water Resources Management Agency, Albania
1_ICRC_ Assessing the emergency responsiveness of WASH service providers.pdf 1_ICRC_ Assessing the emergency responsiveness of WASH service providers.pdf (application/pdf, 626.93 KB) English Assessing the emergency responsiveness of WASH service providers - Mr. Guillaume Pierrehumber, Head of Water and Habitat Unit, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
2_Ion_MDA_EGEqA_7th mtg_2024.pdf 2_Ion_MDA_EGEqA_7th mtg_2024.pdf (application/pdf, 352.31 KB) English Increasing resilience to climate change in the water and sanitation sector: lessons learned from the Republic of Moldova - Mr. Ion Salaru, Head of Department, National Agency for Public Health, Republic of Moldova
3_Revising the Equitable Access Score-card_emergencies.pdf 3_Revising the Equitable Access Score-card_emergencies.pdf (application/pdf, 254.34 KB) English Proposals included in the draft revised Score-card - Mr. Armin Bigham Ghazani, UNECE
Session 3 (1)_Fiona_GLAAS 2022 results_UNECE expert group_28May2024_final.pdf Session 3 (1)_Fiona_GLAAS 2022 results_UNECE expert group_28May2024_final.pdf (application/pdf, 1.14 MB) English Update on the findings and recommendations related to hygiene, healthcare facilities, and gender in the last GLASS report - Ms. Fiona Gore, Lead, UN-Water Global Analysis & Assessment of Sanitation & Drinking Water, WHO
Session 3 (2)_Natasha_MHM PRESENTATION_JHR_unece_0.pdf Session 3 (2)_Natasha_MHM PRESENTATION_JHR_unece_0.pdf (application/pdf, 2.04 MB) English Menstrual health, hygiene management, and gender equality: lessons learned from North Macedonia - Ms. Natasha Dokovska, Programme Director, Journalists for Human Rights, North Macedonia
Session 3 (3)_ Proposals on Hygiene_Gender_Diane Guerrier.pdf Session 3 (3)_ Proposals on Hygiene_Gender_Diane Guerrier.pdf (application/pdf, 553.02 KB) English Proposals included in the draft revised Score-card - Ms. Diane Guerrier, UNECE
Session 4 (1)_Accountability UNECE SIWI.pdf Session 4 (1)_Accountability UNECE SIWI.pdf (application/pdf, 1 MB) English Lessons learned and good practices in applying the accountability framework at local and national levels - Mr. Alejandro Jiménez, Director, Water and Sanitation Department, Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)
Session 4 (2)_ Manon_202405_Externe_UNECE WHO_Solidaités International.pdf Session 4 (2)_ Manon_202405_Externe_UNECE WHO_Solidaités International.pdf (application/pdf, 1.89 MB) English Securing resources for an equitable access to water and sanitation - Ms. Manon Gallego, Coordinator of Operations in France, Solidarités International, Coalition Eau
Session 4 (3)_Revising_Barbara Mateo.pptx.pdf Session 4 (3)_Revising_Barbara Mateo.pptx.pdf (application/pdf, 326.11 KB) English Proposals included in the draft revised Score-card - Ms. Barbara Mateo, UNECE consultant
Session 5 (1)_Ghana Trackfin experience UNECE presentation2 _Final 2.pdf Session 5 (1)_Ghana Trackfin experience UNECE presentation2 _Final 2.pdf (application/pdf, 423.86 KB) English Implementing TrackFin: how to beter track finance flows allocated to the WASH sector? Experiences from Ghana - Ms Suzzy Abaidoo, WASH Programme Officer, Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources, Ghana
Session 5 (3)_Revising the Equitable Access Score-card_Other changes_Barbara Mateo.pdf Session 5 (3)_Revising the Equitable Access Score-card_Other changes_Barbara Mateo.pdf (application/pdf, 352.56 KB) English Proposals included in the draft revised Score-card - Ms. Barbara Mateo, UNECE consultant
Session 5 (4)_ Future work on equitable access_Diane Guerrier.pdf Session 5 (4)_ Future work on equitable access_Diane Guerrier.pdf (application/pdf, 611.22 KB) English Equitable access to water and sanitation in the current 2023-2025 programme of work and potential ways forward - Ms. Diane Guerrier, UNECE
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