EM on SDGs_Programme_28.03_1.pdf |
EM on SDGs_Programme_28.03_1.pdf (application/pdf, 285.95 KB)
English |
Provisional Programme |
EM on SDGs_Programme_28.03_RUS_0.pdf |
EM on SDGs_Programme_28.03_RUS_0.pdf (application/pdf, 383.25 KB)
Russian |
Provisional Programme |
2119591E.pdf |
2119591E.pdf (application/pdf, 174.27 KB)
English |
Report of the Expert Meeting |
EM_0_1_Road Map Renata.pdf |
EM_0_1_Road Map Renata.pdf (application/pdf, 210.05 KB)
English |
Road Map on Statistics for SDGs 2.0 (Statistics Poland) |
EM_0_2_RM 2.0 feedback Tiina.pdf |
EM_0_2_RM 2.0 feedback Tiina.pdf (application/pdf, 206.64 KB)
English |
Feedback from e-consultation on the 2nd edition of the CES Road Map on Statistics for SDGs (UNECE) |
EM_0_3_29.03 scheme of groups TL.pdf |
EM_0_3_29.03 scheme of groups TL.pdf (application/pdf, 418.93 KB)
English |
Scheme of groups collaborating on SDGs (UNECE) |
EM_0_6_Big Data for the SDG_Denmark.pdf |
EM_0_6_Big Data for the SDG_Denmark.pdf (application/pdf, 191.2 KB)
English |
Task Team on Big Data for the SDGs (Statistics Denmark) |
EM_0_7_29.03 Session0 RFSD TL.pdf |
EM_0_7_29.03 Session0 RFSD TL.pdf (application/pdf, 1005.99 KB)
English |
UNECE Regional Forum on sustainable development 2021 - SDGs and COVID: how data and statistics can help build back better |
EM_0_8_SDG_Hasardous events_MN.pdf |
EM_0_8_SDG_Hasardous events_MN.pdf (application/pdf, 436.4 KB)
English |
Measuring Hazardous Events and Disasters (UNECE) |
S1_ESTONIA TreeofTruth_2021.pdf |
S1_ESTONIA TreeofTruth_2021.pdf (application/pdf, 2.25 MB)
English |
Tree of Truth - Visualisation of Estonia's SDGs and other key indicators (Statistics Estonia) |
S1_ESTONIA_RUS_TreeofTruth_2021.pdf |
S1_ESTONIA_RUS_TreeofTruth_2021.pdf (application/pdf, 3.31 MB)
Russian |
Tree of Truth - Visualisation of Estonia's SDGs and other key indicators (Statistics Estonia) |
S1_ESTONIA Tree_of_truth_abstract.doc.pdf |
S1_ESTONIA Tree_of_truth_abstract.doc.pdf (application/pdf, 133.51 KB)
English |
Tree of Truth - Abstract (Statistics Estonia) |
Tree_of_truth_doc_RUS.pdf |
Tree_of_truth_doc_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 270.86 KB)
Russian |
Tree of Truth - Abstract (Statistics Estonia) |
S1_Ukraine ppt.pdf |
S1_Ukraine ppt.pdf (application/pdf, 795.46 KB)
English |
SDGs Progress Measurement in Ukraine based on UNESCAP Methodology (Statistics Ukraine) |
EM_1_2_Ukraine_RU.pdf |
EM_1_2_Ukraine_RU.pdf (application/pdf, 874.77 KB)
Russian |
SDGs Progress Measurement in Ukraine based on UNESCAP Methodology (Statistics Ukraine) |
S1_SDG paper_UKRAINE.pdf |
S1_SDG paper_UKRAINE.pdf (application/pdf, 349.72 KB)
English |
Paper on SDGs Progress Measurement in Ukraine based on UNESCAP Methodology (Statistics Ukraine) |
S1_SDG paper_Ukraine_RUS.pdf |
S1_SDG paper_Ukraine_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 437.07 KB)
Russian |
Paper on SDGs Progress Measurement in Ukraine based on UNESCAP Methodology (Statistics Ukraine) |
EM_1_4_SDGs Progress Chart_UNSD_0.pdf |
EM_1_4_SDGs Progress Chart_UNSD_0.pdf (application/pdf, 1.41 MB)
English |
Sustainable Development Goals Progress Chart 2020 (UNSD) |
EM_1_4_SDGs Progress Chart_UNSD_RU_0.pdf |
EM_1_4_SDGs Progress Chart_UNSD_RU_0.pdf (application/pdf, 1.44 MB)
Russian |
Sustainable Development Goals Progress Chart 2020 (UNSD) |
EM_1_3_Trend SDGs (2021_03_25).pdf |
EM_1_3_Trend SDGs (2021_03_25).pdf (application/pdf, 1.47 MB)
English |
A statistical approach for assessing progress towards the SDG targets (FAO) |
EM_S1_FAO_Trend_RUS.pdf |
EM_S1_FAO_Trend_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 435.72 KB)
Russian |
A statistical approach for assessing progress towards the SDG targets (FAO) |
EM_1_3_Statistical Approach for SDG progress FAO.pdf |
EM_1_3_Statistical Approach for SDG progress FAO.pdf (application/pdf, 1.1 MB)
English |
Paper on A statistical approach for assessing progress towards the SDG targets (FAO) |
S1_Ireland_COVID19_Pres_Mar2021.pdf |
S1_Ireland_COVID19_Pres_Mar2021.pdf (application/pdf, 1005.54 KB)
English |
Covid-19 Data Hub using SDG Reporting Framework (Central Statistics Office, Ireland) |
S2 Ireland_COVID19 Pres_RUS.pdf |
S2 Ireland_COVID19 Pres_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 1.37 MB)
Russian |
Covid-19 Data Hub using SDG Reporting Framework (Central Statistics Office, Ireland) |
S2_Insee_IRF_FPS20_Infographie_EN.pdf |
S2_Insee_IRF_FPS20_Infographie_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 199.43 KB)
English |
The challenges posed by the heal crisis in relation to social inequalities: an assessment of the first lockdown (Insee, France) |
EM_2_2_Fance LNOB RU.pdf |
EM_2_2_Fance LNOB RU.pdf (application/pdf, 256.19 KB)
Russian |
The challenges posed by the heal crisis in relation to social inequalities: an assessment of the first lockdown (Insee, France) |
S1_CANADA Covid19 and SDG in LNOB.pdf |
S1_CANADA Covid19 and SDG in LNOB.pdf (application/pdf, 391.36 KB)
English |
Covid-19 and Global indicators for the SDGs (Statistics Canada) |
S2 CANADA Covid19 and SDG in LNOB_RUS.pdf |
S2 CANADA Covid19 and SDG in LNOB_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 450.17 KB)
Russian |
Covid-19 and Global indicators for the SDGs (Statistics Canada) |
S2_SWEDEN LNOB and Covid.pdf |
S2_SWEDEN LNOB and Covid.pdf (application/pdf, 636.29 KB)
English |
Annual statistical review with a focus on LNOB (Statistics Sweden) |
EM_S2_SDG 2021_LNOB_Sweden_RUS.pdf |
EM_S2_SDG 2021_LNOB_Sweden_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 1.45 MB)
Russian |
Annual statistical review with a focus on LNOB (Statistics Sweden) |
S2_UNHCR disaggregation.pdf |
S2_UNHCR disaggregation.pdf (application/pdf, 745.78 KB)
English |
Leaving no one behind: Disaggregation of SDG indicators by forced displacement (UNHCR) |
EM_2_5_UNHCR disaggregation_RUS.pdf |
EM_2_5_UNHCR disaggregation_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 829.84 KB)
Russian |
Leaving no one behind: Disaggregation of SDG indicators by forced displacement (UNHCR) |
S3_EM_SDG_Session 3_Poland.pdf |
S3_EM_SDG_Session 3_Poland.pdf (application/pdf, 1.28 MB)
English |
How communication with users could change because of pandemics (Statistics Poland) |
EM_3_1_Poland RU.pdf |
EM_3_1_Poland RU.pdf (application/pdf, 2.19 MB)
Russian |
How communication with users could change because of pandemics (Statistics Poland) |
S3_SDGdataPostCovid_UK.pdf |
S3_SDGdataPostCovid_UK.pdf (application/pdf, 1.61 MB)
English |
Statistics for SDGs in a post Covid-19 environment (Office for National Statistics, U.K.) |
EM_S3_UK_PostCovid_RUS.pdf |
EM_S3_UK_PostCovid_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 1.98 MB)
Russian |
Statistics for SDGs in a post Covid-19 environment (Office for National Statistics, U.K.) |
EM_3_2_Paper_SDG-post-covid-UK_0.pdf |
EM_3_2_Paper_SDG-post-covid-UK_0.pdf (application/pdf, 85.51 KB)
English |
Paper on Statistics for SDGs in a post Covid-19 environment (ONS, UK) |
EM_UK_rus_SDG-post-covid_0.pdf |
EM_UK_rus_SDG-post-covid_0.pdf (application/pdf, 122.51 KB)
Russian |
Paper on Statistics for SDGs in a post Covid-19 environment (ONS, UK) |
EM_3_3_TurkStat_2021_UPDATED.pdf |
EM_3_3_TurkStat_2021_UPDATED.pdf (application/pdf, 1.66 MB)
English |
Statistics for SDGs in post-Covid environment (TurkStat) |
EM_3_TurkStat_2021_rus.pdf |
EM_3_TurkStat_2021_rus.pdf (application/pdf, 1.1 MB)
Russian |
Statistics for SDGs in post-Covid environment (TurkStat) |