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Workshop on the International Recommendations on Statistics on Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons, and Statelessness

Workshop on the International Recommendations on Statistics on Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons, and Statelessness

Short title: Workshop on Refugee Statistics

06 May 2024
Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

See also Group of Experts on Migration Statistics

Disclaimer: The translations of papers and presentations are unofficial.


56567 _ Report _ 392734 _ English _ 773 _ 416654 _ pdf
56567 _ Timetable (as of 2 May 2024) _ 390331 _ English _ 773 _ 412046 _ pdf
56567 _ Timetable (as of 2 May 2024) _ 390331 _ Russian _ 864 _ 412100 _ pdf
56567 _ Call for Contributions _ 388036 _ English _ 773 _ 405352 _ pdf
56567 _ Logistical Information Note _ 388037 _ English _ 773 _ 405353 _ pdf

Panel I: Using national population census and/or national household surveys to improve official statistics on refugees, IDPs and/or stateless persons through inclusion.

60871 _ PRES - Introduction to EGRISS _ 390715 _ English _ 773 _ 412105 _ pdf
60871 _ WP1, PRES - Presentation _ 390648 _ English _ 773 _ 411960 _ pdf