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8th Expert Meeting on Statistics for Sustainable Development Goals & 2024 Workshop on Statistics for SDGs

8th Expert Meeting on Statistics for Sustainable Development Goals & 2024 Workshop on Statistics for SDGs

15 - 17 October 2024
Tirana Albania

The 2024 Workshop & Expert Meeting on Statistics for Sustainable Development Goals is aimed at experts from national statistical offices, international organizations and other stakeholders involved in the production, communication and coordination of the reporting of statistics for SDGs. The meeting focuses on strategic issues and serves as a platform to share experiences, good practices and lessons learned; to showcase innovative solutions to the challenges faced; and to identify priorities for future methodological and capacity-development work in this area.

The meetings will be held in person. The Workshop will take place on 15 October 2024 and the Expert Meeting on 16-17 October 2024. 

Find out more about UNECE's work on Statistics for SDGs here.


Please register separately to both the Workshop and the Expert Meeting.


Information note, programme and templates

62038 _ INF.1 - Call for contributions _ 391193 _ English _ 773 _ 413570 _ pdf
62038 _ INF.2 - Information note _ 393398 _ English _ 773 _ 418366 _ pdf
62038 _ INF.3 - Provisional programme _ 394878 _ English _ 773 _ 423962 _ pdf
62038 _ Get to know the speakers _ 394877 _ English _ 773 _ 423987 _ pdf
62038 _ Template - Template for Papers _ 391194 _ English _ 773 _ 413571 _ docx

Workshop Session I: SDG indicator availability

64745 _ WP.2 - Mexico - Approach to measuring SDG indicators in Mexico _ 394701 _ English _ 773 _ 421776 _ pdf
64745 _ WP.3 - Georgia - SDG indicator availability _ 394702 _ English _ 773 _ 421777 _ pdf
64745 _ WP.7 - Republic of Moldova - Setting up a National Reporting Platform _ 395166 _ English _ 773 _ 423208 _ pdf
64745 _ Mexico - Approach to measuring the SDG indicator in Mexico _ 395423 _ English _ 773 _ 424043 _ pptx

Workshop Session II: Lessons learned from providing statistics for SDGs

64746 _ WP.4 - Mexico - Specialized Technical Committee of the SDG Information System _ 394703 _ English _ 773 _ 421779 _ pdf
64746 _ Poland - Session introduction _ 395398 _ English _ 773 _ 423963 _ pptx

Expert Meeting Session I: CES Steering Group and related groups on SDGs - progress updates

64747 _ Updates from the Task Team on Lessons Learned _ 395316 _ English _ 773 _ 423734 _ pptx

Expert Meeting Session II: Overlapping frameworks and the future of monitoring sustainable development

Expert Meeting Session III: Managing relations with policy makers

64749 _ Netherlands - Connecting with policy makers _ 395324 _ English _ 773 _ 423895 _ pptx
64749 _ Montenegro - Managing relations with policy makers _ 395325 _ English _ 773 _ 423745 _ pptx

Expert Meeting Session IV: Summary and conclusion