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7th SPECA Project Working Group on Statistics

7th SPECA Project Working Group on Statistics

28 - 29 August 2012
Issyk-Kul Kyrgyzstan
  Report of the 7th SPECA PWGS   PDF      
Provisional Agenda and Timetable
  PDF PDF    
INF.2 Information note   PDF PDF    
Session 1
Capacity building in the SPECA region: main achievements and remaining challenges
  Global assessment of national statistical systems: a tool for planning and monitoring capacity building programs  


  National Strategies for Development of Official Statistics       PPTX PPTX
  Eurostat's technical cooperation in the SPECA region       PPT PPT
  The Norwegian statistical cooperation in the SPECA region: experience and prospects       PPT PPT
Session 2
Modernizing statistical production services
Standards-based Modernization of Official Statistics
  Modernising Statistical Production : Main recommendations from global assessments       PPTX PPTX
  Standards for statistical data dissemination       PPT PPT
  Kyrgyzstan’s experience in implementing PC-Axis       PPTX PPTX
Session 3
implementation plan for the 2008 System of National Accounts
Improving the coherence of economic statistics through coordination of national statistical systems
      PPT PPT
  Statistical Business registers as a prerequisite for integrated economic statistics       PPT PPT
  On the problems of development, harmonization, implementation and usage
of classifications by National statistical services of the CIS Countries
      PPT PPT
  2008 SNA - Implementation plans in SPECA countries       PPT PPT
  Conceptual linkages between the different parts of macroeconomic statistics       PPT PPT
  The main directions, plans and problems of implementation  SNA 2008 in Kyrgyzstan       PPT PPT
  Main areas for improvements on macroeconomic statistics for compliance   with the 2008 SNA       PPTX PPTX
  Implementation of 2008 SNA in Azerbaijan       PPT PPT
Session 4
Formal business
  Presentation and proposal for adoption of the new SPECA PWGS Terms of References.    PDF PDF