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Group of Experts on National Accounts

Group of Experts on National Accounts

06 - 09 May 2014
Geneva Switzerland
  Document Title ENG FRE RUS
  Annotated provisional agenda PDF PDF PDF
  Report PDF   PDF
First module: Special Session for Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, South East Europe and other interested countries
  UNECE recommendations on 2008 SNA implementation in EECCA and SEE PDF   PDF
16 Implementation of the System of National Accounts 2008 and the Government Finance Statistics Manual: Main conclusions of the workshop for the countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia and South East Europe PDF    
  Support for Implementation Strategy for 2008 SNA and Economic Statistics in the Arab Region (ESCWA) PDF    
27 Status and prospects of development of the System of National Accounts of the Russian Federation PDF   PDF
  Progress with national implementation plans for the System of National Accounts, 2008 (2008 SNA)
19 Plans, priorities and challenges faced in implementing SNA 2008 in Belarus PDF   PDF
  Priorities and challenges faced in implementing SNA 2008 in Belarus PPT   PPT
  Supply and Use tables for Tajikistan (TajStat)     PPT
  Mongolia: Implementation of the 2008 SNA PPT    
  Implementation of SNA 2008 / ESA 2010 (Serbia) PPT    
  Update of the regional recommendations and further work to support implementation of the 2008 SNA
  An integrated statistics approach for implementing the 2008 SNA (UNSD) PPT    
  Summary of 2008 SNA implementation plans (UNECE) PPT    
Second Module: Expert Group on National Accounts
  Challenges and approaches to the implementation of 2008 SNA
3 Measurement of non-life insurance services in the national accounts of Israel PDF PDF PDF
  Measurement of non-life insurance services in the national accounts of Israel     PPT
4 Implementation of the methodology of the 2008 SNA in Ukraine PDF PDF PDF
  Implementation of the methodology of the 2008 SNA in Ukraine     PPT
5 Challenges related to implementing the System of National Accounts 2008 – Some practical advice (Canada) PDF PDF PDF
  Challenges related to implementing the System of National Accounts 2008 (Canada) PPT    
15 Towards implementation of the SNA 2008 in CIS countries (CISStat) PDF   PDF
17 Service Lives of Research and Development Assets: comparing survey and patent based approaches (UK) PDF    
  Service Lives of R & D Assets: comparing survey and patent based approaches (UK) PPT    

Research and Development: Measurement Issues and the Results of the OECD Survey on Intellectual Property Products (OECD )

  OECD Survey on Intellectual Property Products (OECD ) PPT    
  From the Subprime Crisis to Government Debt (FSO Germany) PPT    
23 Implementation of the 2008 SNA in Azerbaijan and some challenges of FISIM estimation PDF   PDF
  Implementation of the 2008 SNA in Azerbaijan and some challenges of FISIM estimation PPT    
26 Changes in the measurement of pensions in the US national income and product accounts (BEA US) PDF    
  Changes in the measurement of pensions in the US national income and product accounts (BEA US) PPT    
28 Revision of the Dutch national accounts: experiences in and lessons from the publication of the first results (Statistics Netherlands) PDF    
  Revision of the Dutch National accounts: Experiences from the publication of our first results. (Statistics Netherlands) PPT    
  Implementation of SNA 2008: Financial Services (Statistics Netherlands) PPT    
  Expanded accounts for the household sector including non-profit institutions, serving households (NPISH)
7 What’s going on within the households sector? A picture beyond the macro view (Statistics Netherlands) PDF PDF PDF
  What’s going on within the household sector? (Statistics Netherlands) PPT    
22 It’s about households (OECD) PDF    
  It’s about households (OECD) PPT    
24 Non-profit Institutions Serving Households in the Canadian System of National Accounts (Statistics Canada) PDF    
  Non-profit Institutions Serving Households in the Canadian System of National Accounts (Statistics Canada) PPT    
  Euro Area Accounts Household Sector Report (ECB) PPT    
  Expanded Accounts for the Household Sector: Discussant comments (CSO Ireland) PPT    
  Measuring non-observed economy: informal and illegal
6 Non-observed economy of Mongolia PDF PDF PDF
  The Non-observed economy: Current Practice in Mongolia PPT    
8 The underground economy in Canada, 1992 to 2011 (Statistics Canada) PDF PDF PDF
  The underground economy in Canada, 1992 to 2011 (Statistics Canada) PPT    
9 Measurement of Informal Economy under the Framework of the Mexican System of National Accounts (INEGI, Mexico) PDF PDF PDF
  Measurement of Informal Economy under the Framework of the Mexican System of National Accounts (INEGI, Mexico), Annex (PPT) PPT    
25 Inclusion of non-observed economy in Dutch national accounts after the 2010 revision according to the European System of National and Regional Accounts (Statistics Netherlands) PDF    
  Inclusion of NOE in the Dutch National Accounts (Statistics Netherlands) PPT    
  Measuring non-observed economy: informal and illegal (KSH, Hungary) PPT    
  Globalization and national accounts: accounting for global production
  Draft Guide to Measuring Global Production PDF    
  A Guide to measuring global production: an overview and main conclusions (Task Force on Global Production) PDF PDF PDF
12 Typology of Global Production Arrangements [Chapter 2] (Task Force on Global Production) PDF PDF PDF
13 Measuring Global Production: Goods sent abroad for processing and merchanting [Part of Chapter 5] (Task Force on Global Production) PDF PDF PDF
14 Measuring Global Production: Factoryless goods producers [Part of Chapter 5] (Task Force on Global Production) PDF PDF PDF

Introduction of  four papers: US, Mexico & Hong Kong and a contributed paper from Czech Republic (Statistics Netherlands)

10 Data collection on factoryless goods producers and global production (BEA US) PDF PDF PDF
10/Add.1 Figure 1, Figure 2      
  Data collection on factoryless goods producers and global production (BEA US) PPT    
11 2008 Global manufacturing production: Main results for Mexico (INEGI, Nexico) PDF PDF PDF
11/Add.1 Table A5. Supply of Goods and Services by Activity Sector
Table A5. Supplementary Use of Goods and Services (Global Manufacturing) by activity sector
  Value Added of Export in Global Manufacturing
2003-2012 (INEGI, Nexico)
20 Compiling trade in goods and services statistics of Hong
Kong using the change of ownership principle (Hong Kong SAR, China)
  Compiling trade in goods and services statistics of Hong
Kong using the change of ownership principle (Hong Kong SAR, China)
21 Quantification of property income of non-residents (Czech SO) PDF    
  Property income of non-residents in the Czech Republic PPT    
  UNECE Task Force on Measurement of Global Production. Summary of TF work in 2013/2014 (CSO Ireland) PPT    
  Guide to Measuring Global Production . State of play (Statistics Netherlands) PPT