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CES Bureau meeting

CES Bureau meeting

05 - 06 February 2013


  Document Title Documents
25 Report PDF
1 Opening of the CES Bureau Meeting
Provisional Agenda
1/ADD.1 Timetable PDF
7 Summary of the consultation on the Report on measuring sustainable development (UNECE) PDF
9 Proposal for continuation of work of the Task Force on environmental indicators (UNECE) PDF
9/ADD.1 Terms of reference for the Task Force on environmental indicators PDF
10 Progress report of the Task Force on climate change related statistics (Task Force) PDF
11 Progress report of the work on Gender statistics (UNECE) PDF
12 Task Force on time use surveys (UNECE) PDF
12/ADD.1 Guidelines for Harmonising Time Use Surveys PDF
13 Terms of reference for the Task Force on ageing (UNECE) PDF
14 Progress report of the Suitland Working Group on migration (UNECE) PDF
15 Task Force on circular migration (UNECE) PDF
15/ADD.1 Terms of reference for the Task Force on circular migration PDF
17 Progress report of the Task Force on global production (Task Force) PDF
18 Progress report of the Task Force on business registers (UNECE) PDF
19 Terms of reference for the Human resources management and training (UNECE) PDF
20 Coordination of international work on health and disability (UNECE) PDF
21 Economic Commission for Europe session in April 2013 (UNECE) PDF
21/ADD.1 Annotated provisional agenda for the 65th session PDF
22 UNECE programme of work documents (UNECE) PDF
22/ADD.1 Draft Programme of Work of the Statistics subprogramme for the biennium 2014-2015 PDF
22/ADD.2 Draft Publications Programme of the statistics subprogramme for 2014-2015 PDF
22/ADD.3 Implementation of the UNECE Statistical Programme 2012 PDF