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Workshop on Gender Statistics

Workshop on Gender Statistics

30 - 31 May 2016
Vilnius Lithuania
Document Title



  Report of the workshop PDF    
  Timetable PDF   PDF
  Using Gender Statistics: a toolkit for training data users      
  Session 1: Gender indicators for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development      
1 Current state and plans for review and appraisal of the 2030 Agenda (UNECE) PDF   PDF
2 Overview of data availability and challenges for global gender-oriented SDG indicators(UNECE) PDF   PDF
3 Gender indicators for the 2030 Agenda in Belarus (Belarus) PDF   PDF
4 Gender indicators for the 2030 Agenda in the Republic of Moldova (Republic of Moldova) PDF   PDF
5 Gender indicators for the 2030 Agenda in Ukraine (Ukraine) PDF   PDF
Session 2: Dissemination of gender statistics
6 Overview of ‘Women and men’ publications in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (UNECE) PDF   PDF
7 How to improve dissemination of gender statistics (Sweden) PDF   PDF
8 Experiences with the publication ‘On the way to gender equality’(Switzerland) PDF   PDF
9 Plans and practice with the publication ‘Women and men in Armenia (Armenia) PDF   PDF
10 Experience in simplifying the publication ‘Women and men in Georgia (Georgia) PDF   PDF
11 Gender statistics in Tajikistan (Tajikistan) PDF   PDF
12 CIS-Stat’s Gender statistics booklet (CISSTAT) PDF   PDF
13 Women's profiles in the Republic of Moldova (UNDP Moldova) PDF   PDF
14 Interpreting findings and formulating key messages. Group exercise (Sweden) PDF   PDF
Session 3: Working with users of gender statistics
15 UNECE toolkit: latest revision; experience and planned use (UNECE) PDF   PDF
16 CIS-Stat Gender statistics guidebook (CIS-Stat) PDF   PDF
  Session 4: Social Institutions & Gender Index      
17 Statistical challenges in compiling the Social Institutions & Gender Index for countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (OECD) PDF   PDF
  Visit to Statistics Lithuania      
  Gender statistics in Lithuania (Lithuania)     PDF