Document Title | Documents | Presentations | |||||
ENG | FRE | RUS | ENG | RUS | |||
Agenda | |||||||
Report | |||||||
Use of gender statistics in policymaking and policy monitoring | |||||||
WP1 | Gender equality in Finland in the light of the Gender Equality Barometer 2017 Marjut Pietiläinen, Henna Attila & Miina Keski-Petäjä, Finland |
WP2 | Bridging the gap between the national and local levels in policy making and monitoring. The case of equal pay policy Oliver Schröter, Switzerland |
WP3 | Voices of statistics users: interviews from a gender point of view Cristina Freguja & Sara Demofonti, Italy |
WP4 | Setting the policy agenda through measuring and reporting on equality and human rights Karen Hurrell, United Kingdom |
WP5 | Gender Policy Monitoring in Higher Education Institutions Vera Herrmann, Elena Zafarana, Mehmet Aksözen & Merlina Bajic, Switzerland |
WP6 | Measuring gender-based discrimination in social institutions to inform policy-making Alejandra Meneses, OECD Development Centre |
Communicating gender statistics | |||||||
WP7 | Communicating Gender Statistics: challenges, solutions and best practices. Interim report of a UNECE Task Force Helen Cahill, Ireland, on behalf of the Task Force on communicating gender statistics |
WP8 | Interactive Map on Gender Equality in Municipalities: facilitating effective use of gender statistics Dovilė Galdauskaitė, Lithuania |
WP9 | Science Slams – new concept for presenting gender statistics Mehmet Aksözen, Elena Zafarana, Merlina Bajic & Vera Hermann, Switzerland |
WP10 | Developing Gender Statistics in Georgia Lia Charekishvili, Georgia |
WP11 | Dissemination Strategy for Statistics on Gender-Based Violence in Italy Maria Giuseppina Muratore and Claudia Villante, Italy |
WP12 | Communicating on gender differences in earnings: Beyond the Gender Pay Gap Denis Leythienne, Piotr Ronkowski & Javier Alcantara Ortega, Eurostat |
Keynote speech - Gender statistics: from Statistical Neutrality to Policymaking |
Implementation of the Sustainable Development Agenda from the gender perspective | |||||||
UNECE Initiatives in support of Statistics for SDGs |
WP13 | How to integrate a gender perspective in the national monitoring of the SDGs? Vincent Willi & André de Montmollin, Switzerland |
WP14 | Gender Statistics in Mexico: From 1996 to the Challenges of implementing the Agenda 2030 Adriana Oropeza, Mexico |
WP16 | Comparing Global Gender Inequality Indices: What can they tell us about development? Nour Barnat, Anu Peltola & Steve MacFeely UNCTAD |
WP17 | Measuring gender differences in multidimensional child poverty: methodological considerations for tracking progress toward SDG 1 Enrique Delamonica, Lauren Pandolfelli & José Espinoza Delgado, UNICEF |
WP19 | Follow-up of the SDGs from a gender perspective in Latin America and the Caribbean Lucía Scuro & Iliana Vaca-Trigo, UNECLAC |
Economic empowerment and intra-household power | |||||||
WP20 | Measuring Intra-household Power and Decision-making: findings and recommendations of a UNECE Task Force Pierre Turcotte, Canada, on behalf of the Task Force on measuring intra-household power & decision-making |
WP21 | Decision-making within dwellings: two inquiries Arcelia Breceda-Solís, Mexico |
WP22 | Gender wage differences and their determinates in Italy Alessandra Masi & Nicoletta Pannuzi, Italy |
WP23 | Intra-household decision-making in Belarus Living standards Survey Elena Kukharevich, Belarus |
WP24 | Measuring within household inequality using the Individual Deprivation Measure Carol McInerney & Kylie Fisk, International Women's Development Agency |
Gender and trade statistics | |||||||
Gender and trade: data needs and challenges for the EU |
WP25 | UNCTAD draft conceptual framework for gender-in-trade Anu Peltola & Steve MacFeely, UNCTAD |
WP26 | The role of gender in trade – evidence from linking Finnish microdata on employees and entrepreneurs Henri Luomaranta, Finland |
WP27 | Women in Global Value Chains Guannan Miao, OECD |
WP28 | The Gender Disaggregated Labour Database and Gender and Trade Report Maria Liungman and Israel Osorio-Rodarte, the World Bank Group |
Institutional mechanisms to support gender statistics | |||||||
WP30 | Institutional mechanisms to support gender statistics in Albania Blerina Metanj, Albania |
WP31 | Framework for Identifying Gender Statistics Gaps Liliana Suchodolska, Paris21 |
WP35 |
Gender statistics in Kazakhstan: Institutional and legislative mechanisms |
Measuring gender identity | |||||||
WP32 | Testing questions about sex and gender identity and creating supporting material Linda Björneskog, Sweden |
WP33 | Methodological issues related to sensitive questions: a focus on sexual orientation and gender self identification Maria Clelia Romano, Gabriella Fazzi, Serena Liani & Simona Rosati, Italy |
WP34 | CES In-depth review on measuring gender identity Heather Lathe & Melissa Randall (on behalf of a team of experts from Canada & United Kingdom) |
Emerging issues and international initiatives in gender statistics | |||||||
Improving evidence on gender concerns including on unpaid care and domestic work Mehmet Sökeli, UNSD |
The UNECE Gender Statistics Database Patrick Hernusi, UNECE |
Gender statistics priorities for the UNECE region | |||||||
Proposals from the Steering Group on Gender Statistics | |||||||
Conclusions |
Work Session on Gender Statistics
Work Session on Gender Statistics
15 - 17 May 2019
Neuchâtel Switzerland