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CES Bureau meeting

CES Bureau meeting

25 - 26 February 2020
INEGI Headquarters Aguascalientes Mexico


Document Title
Documents Presentations
  ENG     ENG  
1 Provisional agenda  




1/Add.1 Provisional timetable  




  Report   PDF        
2 In-depth review on measuring well-Being in the era of a digital society (Canada)   PDF        
6 Steering Group on population and Housing censuses - progress report (Steering Group)   PDF        
6/Add.1 Steering Group on population and housing censuses - new ToR (Steering Group)   PDF        
7 Task Force on the use of new data sources for measuring migration and cross-border mobility - ToR (UNECE)   PDF        
8 Proposal for work on statistics on children and youth (UNECE and UNICEF)   PDF        
8/Add.1 Task Force on statistics on children and youth - ToR (UNECE and UNICEF)   PDF        
9 Task Force on measuring social exclusion - progress report and ToR (Task Force)   PDF        
10 Report on the UNECE regional platform on statistics for SDGs (UNECE)   PDF        
11 Task Force on measuring hazardous events and disasters - ToR (UNECE)   PDF        
12 Annual report on the work of High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics (HLG-MOS)   PDF        
12/Add.1 High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics - ToR (HLG-MOS)   PDF        
12/Add.2 Note on the review of the Generic Statistical Information Model (GSIM)   PDF        
12/Add.3 Generic Statistical Information Model (GSIM) version 1.2 - print-friendly format   PDF        
14 Classification of International Statistical Activities - procedure for updating   PDF        
26 Report on the implementation of the UNECE Statistical Programme in 2019   PDF