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Executive Body, Forty-first session

Executive Body, Forty-first session

06 - 08 December 2021
Geneva Switzerland

Participants are encouraged to register online.

The meeting will start at 11:00 CET.

Official documents

17663 _ ECE/EB.AIR/147 - Annotated provisional agenda for the forty-first session _ 360324 _ English _ 773 _ 339320 _ pdf
17663 _ ECE/EB.AIR/147 - Annotated provisional agenda for the forty-first session _ 360324 _ French _ 780 _ 339321 _ pdf
17663 _ ECE/EB.AIR/147 - Annotated provisional agenda for the forty-first session _ 360324 _ Russian _ 864 _ 339322 _ pdf
17663 _ ECE/EB.AIR/148 - Report of the Executive Body on its forty-first session _ 368424 _ English _ 773 _ 371614 _ pdf
17663 _ ECE/EB.AIR/148 - Report of the Executive Body on its forty-first session _ 368424 _ French _ 780 _ 371615 _ pdf
17663 _ ECE/EB.AIR/148 - Report of the Executive Body on its forty-first session _ 368424 _ Russian _ 864 _ 371616 _ pdf
17663 _ ECE/EB.AIR/2021/1 - Financial requirements for the implementation of the Convention _ 360326 _ English _ 773 _ 339826 _ pdf
17663 _ ECE/EB.AIR/2021/1 - Financial requirements for the implementation of the Convention _ 360326 _ French _ 780 _ 339827 _ pdf
17663 _ ECE/EB.AIR/2021/1 - Financial requirements for the implementation of the Convention _ 360326 _ Russian _ 864 _ 339828 _ pdf
17663 _ ECE/EB.AIR/2021/2 - Draft 2022–2023 workplan for the implementation of the Convention _ 360327 _ English _ 773 _ 339925 _ pdf
17663 _ ECE/EB.AIR/2021/2 - Draft 2022–2023 workplan for the implementation of the Convention _ 360327 _ French _ 780 _ 339926 _ pdf
17663 _ ECE/EB.AIR/2021/2 - Draft 2022–2023 workplan for the implementation of the Convention _ 360327 _ Russian _ 864 _ 339927 _ pdf
17663 _ ECE/EB.AIR/2021/3 - Twenty-fourth report of the Implementation Committee _ 360328 _ English _ 773 _ 339637 _ pdf
17663 _ ECE/EB.AIR/2021/3 - Twenty-fourth report of the Implementation Committee _ 360328 _ French _ 780 _ 339638 _ pdf
17663 _ ECE/EB.AIR/2021/3 - Twenty-fourth report of the Implementation Committee _ 360328 _ Russian _ 864 _ 339639 _ pdf
17663 _ ECE/EB.AIR/2021/5 - Draft guidance document on reduction of emissions from agricultural residue burning _ 360331 _ English _ 773 _ 339603 _ pdf
17663 _ ECE/EB.AIR/2021/5 - Draft guidance document on reduction of emissions from agricultural residue burning _ 360331 _ French _ 780 _ 339604 _ pdf
17663 _ ECE/EB.AIR/2021/5 - Draft guidance document on reduction of emissions from agricultural residue burning _ 360331 _ Russian _ 864 _ 339605 _ pdf
17663 _ ECE/EB.AIR/2021/7 - Assessment report on ammonia _ 360333 _ English _ 773 _ 339343 _ pdf
17663 _ ECE/EB.AIR/2021/7 - Assessment report on ammonia _ 360333 _ French _ 780 _ 339346 _ pdf
17663 _ ECE/EB.AIR/2021/7 - Assessment report on ammonia _ 360333 _ Russian _ 864 _ 339347 _ pdf
17663 _ ECE/EB.AIR/2021/8 - Draft decisions of the Executive Body _ 360334 _ English _ 773 _ 339410 _ pdf
17663 _ ECE/EB.AIR/2021/8 - Draft decisions of the Executive Body _ 360334 _ French _ 780 _ 339412 _ pdf
17663 _ ECE/EB.AIR/2021/8 - Draft decisions of the Executive Body _ 360334 _ Russian _ 864 _ 339413 _ pdf

Informal documents

19608 _ Agenda item 4(b): Annexes to the assessment report on ammonia _ 361491 _ English _ 773 _ 340128 _ pdf
19608 _ Agenda items 4(b), 6 and 7: EU comments on draft EB decisions _ 362074 _ English _ 773 _ 341474 _ pdf
19608 _ Agenda item 4(b): Cost of inaction _ 362368 _ English _ 773 _ 342127 _ pdf
19608 _ Agenda item 4(c): Compliance with reporting obligations _ 361492 _ English _ 773 _ 340129 _ pdf
19608 _ Agenda item 4(d): Report by the EECCA Coordinating Group _ 363080 _ English _ 773 _ 343503 _ pdf
19608 _ Agenda item 5: Non-technical and structural measures _ 362331 _ English _ 773 _ 342049 _ pdf
19608 _ Agenda item 5: EU comments on the draft GP review report _ 362767 _ English _ 773 _ 342805 _ pdf
19608 _ Agenda item 5: Supplementary information_GP review _ 363001 _ English _ 773 _ 343373 _ pdf
19608 _ Agenda item 6: Financing of the Air Convention _ 362288 _ English _ 773 _ 341926 _ pdf
19608 _ Agenda item 8: List of official documents for 2022-2023 _ 362056 _ English _ 773 _ 341420 _ pdf
19608 _ Agenda item 8: EU comments on the draft 2022-2023 workplan _ 362768 _ English _ 773 _ 342809 _ pdf
19608 _ Agenda item 10: Nominations received by the secretariat _ 363002 _ English _ 773 _ 343374 _ pdf


21459 _ Agenda item 4 (a): WGE Activities _ 363005 _ English _ 773 _ 343379 _ pdf
21459 _ Agenda item 4 (a): EMEP report _ 363033 _ English _ 773 _ 343429 _ pdf
21459 _ Agenda item 4 (b): WGSR report _ 363035 _ English _ 773 _ 343431 _ pdf
21459 _ Agenda Item 4 (b): Status of ratification _ 362870 _ English _ 773 _ 343027 _ pdf
21459 _ Agenda item 4 (c): Implementation Committee report _ 362871 _ English _ 773 _ 343034 _ pdf
21459 _ Agenda item 4 (d): Capacity-building _ 362872 _ English _ 773 _ 412531 _ pdf
21459 _ Agenda item 4 (d): EECCA CG report _ 363073 _ English _ 773 _ 343496 _ pdf
21459 _ Agenda item 5: WGSR Chair presentation on the GP review _ 363034 _ English _ 773 _ 343546 _ pdf
21459 _ Agenda item 5: GP Review _ 362914 _ English _ 773 _ 343100 _ pdf
21459 _ Agenda item 7: TFICAP presentation _ 363003 _ English _ 773 _ 343376 _ pdf

List of Participants

23281 _ List of Participants _ 364259 _ English _ 773 _ 346157 _ pdf