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Fifth meeting of the Task Force on Access to Justice

Fifth meeting of the Task Force on Access to Justice

13 June 2012
Geneva Switzerland

The fifth meeting of the Task Force on Access to Justice took place in Salle XXI at Palais des Nations on 13 and 14 June 2012.

The meeting featured a mini-conference "Access to courts for individuals and groups" and discussed several other issues related to access to justice, including costs, financial arrangements and remedies. Furthermore, the Task Force discussed capacity building efforts and jurisprudence database.

The Task Force welcomed the studies carried out in the European Union on the issue of standing in relation to the Convention. It also decided to launch a comprehensive study on standing in the selected countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia and explore the possibility of launching a comprehensive study on standing, remedies and costs in South-Eastern European countries.

The Task Force encouraged Parties to engage in a dialogue at the national level with all relevant stakeholders to address issues of access to justice and report at the next Task Force meeting. The analytical studies prepared under auspices of the Task Force on Access to Justice in 2011-2012, which might serve as a background information for discussion, can be found  here. Additional information is also available in the jurisprudence database.

Document title  ENG  FRE  RUS
Provisional agenda                                                         PDF    
Outcomes of the meeting PDF    
List of participants PDF    
Newsletter about the study on implementation of article 9, para. 3 and 4, of the Aarhus Convention in the EU countries PDF    
Item 1. Substantive issues      

(a) Standing
Mini-conference "Access to courts for individuals and groups"

Ms. Francoise Nesi, EU Forum of Judges for the Environment. Keynote Address   PDF  
Mr. Jan Darpo, Chair of the Task Force on Access to Justice. Study on implementation of article 9, paras. 3 and 4, of the Aarhus Convention in the European Union PPT    
Mr. Niels Philipsen, Maastricht University. Possible initiatives on access to justice and economic implications PPT    
Mr. Gor Movsisyan, Yerevan State University. Standing of Individuals and Groups in the EECCA region PPT    
Compliance Committee findings and issues of standing PDF    
(b) Costs and remedies      
Mr. Veit Koester. MOP Decisions on Remedies and Costs PDF    
Ms. Elena Laevskaya, Belarusian State University.  Study on impediments in access to justice in the EECCA countries: remedies and costs     PPT
Ms. Carol Day, WWF-UK/CAJE. Costs and Financial Arrangements in selected EU Member States PPT    
Item 2. Sharing experiences and building capacity      
(a) Jurisprudence database      
(b) Workshops      
Information on the subregional Central Asian meeting held in Almaty, Kazakhstan on 22 and 23 May 2012      
Mr. Vladimir Borisov, Judge of the Supreme Court of Kazakhstan and Chair of the Union of Judges in Kazakhstan. Statement about the Role of Judiciary in the implementation of the Aarhus Convention.     PDF