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Fourth meeting of the Task Force on Access to Justice

Fourth meeting of the Task Force on Access to Justice

07 - 08 February 2011
Geneva Switzerland

The fourth meeing of the Task Force on Access to Justice took place from 7 to 8 February 2011, in Salle V at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, back to back with the thirteenth session of the Working Group of the Parties (9-11 February 2011).

The Task Force discussed a wide range of issues related to the access to justice, including capacity-building efforts, jurisprudence database and analytical studies on costs and remedies as barriers to access to justice. Furthermore, the Task Force discussed possible work in this area after the fourth session of the Meeting of the Parties, scheduled to take place on 29 June - 1 July 2011 in Chisinau, on the basis of a draft decision on promoting effective access to justice. The outcome of the meeting of the Task Force was presented by its Chair to the thirteenth session of the Working Group of the Parties.

The Task Force also decided to build on the existing material on costs and remedies and to develop a set of good practices and analyses on the following priority issues: the loser pays principle; legal aid and other methods of funding for public interest lawyers and NGOs; and criteria for injunctions.  

Document Title   ENG FRE RUS
Provisional agenda   PDF - -
List of Participants   PDF - -
List of decisions and outcomes of the fourth meeting   PDF - -
Draft decision on promoting effective access to justice
Outiline of the analytic study on the identification of impediments on access to justice in environmental matters in countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (with focus on remedies and costs)   DOC - DOC
Presentation of the analytic study on remedies and costs (EECCA countries)   - - PPT
Analytic study on remedies (non-EECCA countries)   DOC  - -
Presentation of the analytic study on remedies (non-EECCA countries)   PPT  - -
Memo on costs (non-EECCA countries)   DOC  - -
Presentation by Ms Aida Iskoyan on the Role of Judicial Education and the Aarhus Convention   -  - PPT
Presentation by Mr Ian Harden on the European Ombudsman and the Aarhus Convention   PPT  - -